View Full Version : Motif - Back-lit White-throated Sparrow

Richard Stern
07-04-2008, 07:09 AM
This bird I photographed the other day was pretty silhouetted against the sky. I used full fill flash on the D300, with the Tamron 200-500 lens, then shifted the histogram to the right in Lightroom, desaturated and darkened the eye highlight, and used Noise Ninja then sharpened, in PS Elements. Hope it works, and conforms to this project.


Alfred Forns
07-04-2008, 08:49 AM
Hi Richard this works real well !!!

Remember most backlit images will need positive compensation since you are shooting the shaded side of the bird. Using fill flash is also very important !!!
Would be best if you don't have to pull the histogram to the right, gives the best results.

You did well in PS and I like the final result !!! The bird could be a tad brighter I like the placement and crop Fine image !!! btw before I read the specs I knew it was a Nikon from the blue bg It does take a special look which is unique !!!

Gail Spitler
07-04-2008, 07:19 PM
This is an interesting image in terms of the assignment. Is this bird really backlit???? I can't be sure but I think it is actually lit from the right side, and we are dealing with a bird against a bright sky. The thing that's different is that there is no glow to this bird, no aura around it. I think Richard worked hard to get the detail to come out of the shadow and has been successful.
Comments? I hope.