View Full Version : Male Harrier #2

03-03-2020, 02:58 PM
One of the few sky backgrounds I captured the other day.
I have to say, having never photographed the "gray ghost" before, they are simply stunning to watch
in the field. I can't wait to go back tomorrow.
D500, 500pf, f6.3, 1/2500, iso1600

2DS_0017bp2.jpg (http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=185317&stc=1&d=1583265438)

John Mack
03-03-2020, 03:07 PM
Bet you wished that near wing was fully up. Background is killer. I would sharpen the head more. Nice framing.

Bill Dix
03-03-2020, 05:13 PM
I watched a Grey Ghost coursing over the fields late yesterday afternoon, but he was way too far away to shoot. As you say, they are spectacular to watch in flight. I liked your previous shot better than this one, for reasons of wing position, background; but I'd be pleased to have this one in my files. The head does seem a bit soft; don't know if some extra sharpening would help.

Dorian Anderson
03-04-2020, 10:41 AM
This is a really nice effort, and I say that without this species in my own collection. I also wish the near wing was a bit higher, but the semi-direct stare works pretty well for me. Biggest issues (and still not huge) are technical, the details being a bit smeared and the rump looking a bit hot. It looks like the light was coming more from the left than the right. If that's the case, it would ave been great to have the bird flying the other way as that would have lit the face better and minimized exposure on the rump, but that's a pretty big ask after-the-fact!