View Full Version : Back Lit Trumpeter. - color vs. B&W

Randy Stout
02-24-2020, 06:50 PM
This fellow was captured yesterday as he flew from heavy shadows out into the sun, at his back. I did a traditional rendition, and also a black and white conversion. Because of the dark shadows and the black and white bird, the two images are pretty close, but I am curious which you prefer, and why.

D500. 500PF. f/7.1. 1/2000s. ISO 1250. Hand held.

B&W conversion with Nik silver Efex.

Appreciate your opinions.



Randy Stout
02-24-2020, 06:55 PM
B&W conversion

Paul Burdett
02-25-2020, 01:57 AM
Hi Randy,
I actually prefer the original version, as b&w can have quite a dramatic feel to it, and I don't think there are enough tonal variations for b&w in this particular image (better for landscape imo). I quite like the image, but being backlit it has produced some harshness/blown out areas around the head and neck. However, it has worked for the wings...which I really like. (always nice to see a different approach though)

Randy Stout
02-25-2020, 08:09 AM
Thanks for your thoughtful opinion. I do agree that the tonal range on the b&W image is quite limited. Almost graphic arts look perhaps.



Stu Bowie
02-25-2020, 12:00 PM
Hi Randy, you have certainly captured a dramatic head on flight pose in this - with an open beak to let you know he's on his way. I like the back lit wings, together with the falling droplets. I prefer your OP as I like the hint of blues in the BG. Your B&W version seems to have too much contrast.

Daniel Cadieux
02-25-2020, 12:10 PM
The overlapping see-through wing feathers steal the show here. I much prefer the colour version though (or "color" for U.S. folks :t3)

John Mack
02-25-2020, 02:45 PM
I'm not really a black and white fan. Really like the color one here. The pose is nice and i like the framing.

Gabriela Plesea
02-28-2020, 12:30 PM
Hello Randy,

I like the framing here and pose from the subject, but especially those translucent feathers:S3: Nice techs and well exposed, both versions work for me:w3

Kind regards,