View Full Version : Lesser Kestrel

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
02-11-2020, 10:50 AM
A migratory raptor that visits western ghats of India in Jan/Feb. Clicked at Lonavala Dam, near Pune. The word spread that there birds are here and scores of birders descended upon Lonavala to get a shot on weekend.
ISO 800

Aditya Sridhar
02-11-2020, 12:11 PM
Great POV, Sanjeev. Nice pose and BG. I suspect you were dealing with a bit of heat distortion here (evidenced by the slightly nervous grass right behind the bird) which has affected the sharpness. It's not a major issue though. I think the image needs a slight CW rotation as well. Finally, I'd warm the image up slightly and raise the shadows on the wings and lower back just a touch. Really nice view of this species. TFS :)

Krishna Prasad kotti
02-11-2020, 03:54 PM
Nice Image. Like how you get a low perspective. I wish for better light and agree with the comments by Aditya


John Mack
02-11-2020, 05:42 PM
The light is what it is, but you handled it well. Framing is nice.

Steve Kaluski
02-12-2020, 04:28 AM
Hi Sanjeev, lovely capture and I do like the low perspective here and for me some good space to allow the subject to breathe. Techs look good with some nice detail, but perhaps a little more USM? I can only go on the numbers Sanjeev as I'm away, but I would go a little cooler on the WB and definitely on the Tint, as there is some magenta coming through clouding the warm whites. The green grass could be tweaked more to suit personal tastes. I would also use the HSL to target the reddish plumage, you know how and apply a mask. You can then start to get more form into the subject and you could push the Exposure a tad more via the Tone curve in ACR. If you fancy it just loosing the clumps of soil help IMHO.

Hope it helps Sanjeev.
