View Full Version : Winter Bluebird - Small in frame theme

Randy Stout
02-10-2020, 12:00 PM
This fellow was captured yesterday. Thought he fit the theme well.

Nikon D810. 500PF. f/5.6. 1/400ss ISO 560.
Post: LR with clean up of droppings on the rock in PS.

Advice and comments always appreciated.



Aditya Sridhar
02-10-2020, 01:33 PM
Really beautiful bird, Randy. The sharpness, background and colors are excellent. I find the rock very overpowering, unfortunately. It would've been slightly better IMO if the bird was perched slightly farther back on the edge - that would've allowed for more clearance between the body and the perch. In terms of PP, I'd brighten the face just a bit as it's slightly dark as presented. TFS :)

Randy Stout
02-10-2020, 01:52 PM
Thanks for the thoughts. Aditya. I originally left the rock this large because of where I wanted to position the bird in the frame, but I came the same conclusion as you when looking back at it, and had already done another version with more of a pano crop. I see your point about the face. It doesn't bother me, but I did bring it up a bit in the repost.


Steve Kaluski
02-10-2020, 02:04 PM
Hi Randy, this is really exquisite, the overall colour palette is perfect and with a hint of delicacy overall. I like the fact you have off-set the subject, but find the stone a little dominating, therefore retaining the overall theme, how about going pano? Not sure what you use, but 5 points of 'Light' in the Tonal Curve of LR just adds a slight hint of brightness to the whites, subtle and this is what it needs for such a sweet image. Agree on just opening the mid tones on the face/chest.

Lookout for the DB in the tan strip on the LHS about an inch from the top trim.

Lovely. :cheers:


PS Keeping both the Black & Contrast at bay has really helped here, as per our exchange. :w3

Steve Kaluski
02-10-2020, 02:05 PM
Ooh thats spooky Randy, as you posted whilst I was typing. :bg3:

Mike Poole
02-10-2020, 02:39 PM
I prefer the RP Randy, nice loose framing. The one little thing that draws my eye id the sudden change in the BG. I tried a version with it smoothed out using a low opacity clone to make it really gradual - worked for me.

Struggling to find a Loon in the shot though....


Randy Stout
02-10-2020, 02:46 PM
Great Minds think alike I guess Steve!

Ooh thats spooky Randy, as you posted whilst I was typing. :bg3:

Steve Kaluski
02-10-2020, 03:29 PM
LOL Randy.:bg3:

BTW do you use the Spot tool, worth always a quick glance when first importing into LR.

William Dickson
02-10-2020, 06:22 PM
Well done Randy....The colours all seemed to come together perfectly here. Pose, perch and BG fits well. Nice detail on the bird and what a lovely pose.


Krishna Prasad kotti
02-10-2020, 11:44 PM
Pano Crop works well. I like the colors and details on the bird.


Stu Bowie
02-11-2020, 08:52 AM
Hi Randy, cute pose with an inquisitive head turn. The finer feather detail shows up nicely, and I'm liking how the upper colours of the BG compliment the Blue Bird. Gotta love how he's perched as if he's about to slide off the rock. Your pano crop works well.

Joseph Przybyla
02-11-2020, 11:03 AM
Hi Randy, lovely simple image. I like the color palette of the image, background and of course the bluebird. I wonder if you have tried a vertical, placing the bird in the junction of the upper right hand third of a 2x3. Just a thought... thank you for sharing.

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
02-11-2020, 11:04 AM
Hi Randy, a really pretty bird with lovely colours and pose. The RP is great and takes it up a notch.

John Mack
02-11-2020, 05:56 PM
Does fit the theme well. Nice framing. The rock is pretty large. But thats the way she goes. Nice you gave the bird room to look into.