View Full Version : Another Osprey staring at me

Paul Burdett
01-30-2020, 04:23 PM
Another Osprey from my recent shoot. Not the best light, but...that's Brisbane at the moment...even close to susnset.
7Dii, 100-400@400mm,1/2500th sec, f5.6, iso400. manual, HH. Always appreciate the feedback. Cheers.

David Roach
01-30-2020, 04:53 PM
Even though the up angle and light are not ideal, you gotta love that stare. TFS

Arthur Morris
01-31-2020, 02:02 PM
In addition to the light angle problems and the resulting shadows, the perch is a gotta-go. I do like the stare but there is something funky about the outside of the bird's left eye ...

with love, artie

Paul Burdett
01-31-2020, 07:58 PM
Hi Artie. I agree re the light etc...hopefully a revisit may turn up more Ospreys. Funky eye due to the sun I think. Cheers.

John Mack
02-01-2020, 07:23 AM
Love the pose here. I could see this cropped in even tighter. Espcially from the right. Maybe a square crop would work nicely. The bird is nice and sharp.

Paul Burdett
02-01-2020, 04:57 PM
Hi John,
Thank you. Maybe a head and shoulders crop would work...might try your suggestions. Cheers.