View Full Version : Elephant from a Mokoro !

haseeb badar
01-14-2020, 02:27 AM
Hello everyone, thank you for all your comments and suggestions to my previous post, as always much appreciated.

Taking a break from Tiger postings, here is an image of an Elephant from Botswana which we happen to sight on our Mokoro ride. It was a thrilling experience to get a Delta block by the mightiest of creatures , up until then I had encountered only Road blocks from Tigers. This was a first of its kind and what an experience it was.

DPP 4.8, PSCC 2020, WB, curves, Selective colour and colour balance, sharpening , cropped very slightly from all four sides.

Canon 1DX MK II, Canon 200-400mm f4, HH.

ss 1/1600, f/7.1, iso 500.

Looking forward for all your comments and suggestions, be it of any nature.


Steve Kaluski
01-15-2020, 05:04 AM
Hi Haseeb, mokoro's are nice for a gentle 'sundowner', but faced with this I might have wished for something a bit more speedier, I'm assuming the water was quite shallow?

Personally I would have liked a bit more all round it's a bit tight, but the POV is to die for. I think it's a tad dark for what I would expect and the blue in the water is a tad pushed IMHO. DoF looks good, but I may had looked at 1/2500 based on the lens, HH and being on a mokoro. When you go back nesxt get the 100-400 and a CPL filter. :S3:


Jonathan Ashton
01-15-2020, 07:40 AM
I like the image - especially the low view point it clearly illustrates his enormity. The elephant appears to be a little bright in relation to the surroundings, possibly a little blending would help (in the absence of the CPL!)

Andreas Liedmann
01-15-2020, 12:27 PM
Hi Haseeb a nice change from the tigers .... LOL ... just joking love all your lovely tiger shots .

I like the overall image here . Nice low view from the Mokoro ... really enjoy the saturated colors here , the blues might look a bit pushed but i think it works for me. The framing works well .... and i might have not cropped , for a bit more space . If cropping i would try to get rid a sliver from the top and give more room at the foot .
The plants in the trunk are a nice addition and makes it look better than without it , as it tells a feeding story . Nice detail in the hide and good tonal form .

Looking on the sun angle .... i would go for a brighter image , just my take .

Nice one Haseeb , enjoyed watching one.

TFS Andreas

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
01-15-2020, 02:19 PM
Hi Haseeb, a nice shot of the ele from the Mokoro. Great low POV and the light was handled well. Good tonal range and details.

haseeb badar
01-16-2020, 07:54 AM
Thank you everyone for your comments.

Will look into getting the image slightly brighter as per the time of the day.

Also ss was borderline in this case as the mokoro is not very stable but since my hand was supported on my knees, that might have helped here.

I am ok with the blues as that enormous blue sky was reflected in it.

Thank you all.

John Mack
01-16-2020, 03:28 PM
Nice frame of this elephnat. Nice to see the elephant in the water. Nice detail. Also like the vegetation in its drunk.

Gabriela Plesea
01-20-2020, 09:18 AM
Fantastic POV here Haseeb, techs looking good, very nice pose from the Ele too! Glad the subject was busy munching, I gather those roots were quite tasty and he was enjoying them too much to concern himself with the Mokoro and the presence of humans:bg3:

I personally like the colours (just curious, did you actually push those blues a little?) On my last trip to the Kruger Park I spent some time at a weir watching hippos and birds - I remember marvelling at the deep blue of the water and wondering whether it would pose an issue when posting ( eg. everyone asking me to drop the saturation on blues).

Light was harsh but I think you did well, PP work is good, sharpness is there, overall a nice behavioural image which I enjoyed viewing - thank you so much for sharing!

Kind regards,

haseeb badar
01-24-2020, 03:47 AM
Hi Gabriela— Sorry for the late response , I actually don’t get any email notifications from BPN when someone comments on my thread or when I posts comments on threads started by others. It’s been since when BPN was down for several days a few months back.

Thank you for your comments and the kind words therein , much appreciated. I think the water was some what this blue , even in the late morning light. Hence , I tried to project those colours in water.

Gabriela Plesea
01-24-2020, 05:59 AM
Hello Haseeb !

No need to apologise, in fact it was I who passed my comments a bit late:)

It concerns me that you are not getting notifications, was not aware of this but now that I know I will try do something about it:w3

Chat soon, have a lovely week-end,