View Full Version : Red deer (Cervus elaphus)

Jonathan Ashton
10-22-2019, 10:37 AM
Hand held

Image input equipment model : E-M1X
Lens focal length : 300 mm
Focal length in 35 mm film : 601.0mm
Exposure mode : Manual exposure
PhotographicSensitivity : 2000
Exposure bias : +0.3 EV
Exposure time : 1/640 sec
F number : F6.3
Flash : OFF


I am not exactly proud of this one but I have submitted it in order to get some feedback so don't be shy - I won't be offended.

Steve Kaluski
10-22-2019, 11:51 AM
I am not exactly proud of this one but I have submitted it in order to get some feedback


Jon, like John's image, taking on board the feedback this is far better overall and where the last one should have been. I would tickle in those bright HL's in the BKG, but would like a bit more breathing space all round, especially at the foot. May be even loose the branch on the LHS going into the side of the female?

so don't be shy - I won't be offended.

What I don't like is the perspective, it's a little 'first base/camera club' and you are far better. I just wonder if shooting lower, looking up and or, using the EVF to get a bit more mood/atmospher, even getting some nice mush in the FG. :S3:


Jonathan Ashton
10-22-2019, 01:25 PM
Steve there are two primary reasons I don't like it, firstly the crop, the deer were too far over to the right of the frame so I had to crop a lot of the LHS, and secondly I cropped quite a bit off the top because I really dislike the top background, the tree trunks are almost black and some of the greens look like a very deep emerald colour. The previous image had very dark tree trunks and I made them paler - but I have to confess it didn't look right as you pointed out. There is plenty more space at the base of the original image.

Steve Kaluski
10-22-2019, 01:39 PM
Hi Jon, I agree on all points. The blacks and 'cast', well blacks could be down to LR if you have used that in PP of the Raw, the cast, well perhaps some tweaks, as I doubt it's 'Cross-Curves' which Canon files can on occasion suffer from. Not sure if I can help on reviewing the file as it takes me into 'uncharted' waters, but... :S3:

Gabriela Plesea
10-22-2019, 04:04 PM
Dear John,

So glad you shared, and I must say I like this so much more than the previous post! First of all, love the interaction/behaviour aspect you captured. Also, I feel there's so much more 'depth' here, a nice three dimensional feel to the frame. And colours look great.

HA from the adult maybe not ideal, but still works. I like those tall bunches of grass in the FG and the BG looks ok to me, save for a few bright bits which you can soften if you like. Have you perhaps considered allowing more on the LHS of the frame and taking more off the top?

Would love to see Steve's version of this image, if possible. Enjoyed viewing John, thank you for sharing,

Warmest regards,

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
10-22-2019, 09:21 PM
I like the interaction here Jon, the colours and details look good to me. The grass hanging from the antlers is a nice addition.

Jonathan Ashton
10-23-2019, 05:44 AM
Gabriela, Sanjeve thank you for your comments, there was no more room on the left, I did add canvas it looked better compositionally but when done the grasses didn't look quite right, I knoew I could get it initially acceptable but I felt there were enough faults in the image!
I'll send the raw file to Steve maybe he can save it!

Gabriela Plesea
10-23-2019, 08:59 AM
Thank you Jon, understood. But I still like it, very much:S3:

Looking forward to see what Steve does with it:w3

John Mack
10-23-2019, 04:19 PM
Like the interaction. The grass in the antlers is very nice. Yes to more room all around. The stag kinda looks like the elk over here. Are they rutting right now?

Stuart Philpott
10-26-2019, 09:59 AM
The interaction between hind and stag you've caught is just lovely Jon, complete with the veggies in his rack ,I like this alot because of that tenderness . The BKG doesn't look quite so strange to me this time . I so often shoot so low down Jon at times I wonder if I'm being somewhat formulaic. Obviously oftentimes I'm forced there as the the subjects I most often shoot will rarely tolerate me standing, but I wondered the minute I saw this whether that might have been a slightly better option for you here?

Personally I quite like the framing as is

