View Full Version : Crescent-faced Antpitta - Colombia

Dorian Anderson
09-22-2019, 07:07 PM
This shot did really well on my Instagram account today, so I figured I'd share it here.

Known from a only a few sites in the Colombia and Ecuadorian Andes, the Crescent-faced Antpitta is one of the rarest and most reclusive
species in South America. I caught up with this lured bird at an established feeing station outside Manizales in Colombia's Central Andes, but
thick foliage and tough lighting made this more of a challenge than the usual brand of set-ups!

I'm happy with the balance of subject and habitat. I wish for a touch more head turn, but the whistles or snaps I use to get the attention of
other species aren't advisable with subjects this reclusive!

Canon 600mm f/4 IS on EOS 1DX2
1/100 at f/7.1, ISO 2000


Colin Driscoll
09-23-2019, 01:44 AM
What a neat little package. Love the overall tone of the shot and the detail on the little fellow. Nice eye too.
I think the head turn is about right given the slight downward POV.
Being an ecologist by trade I like seeing critters absorbed in their environment as this one is, just like you weren't there.

09-23-2019, 01:53 AM
looks nice, the HA may not optimal and the shooting angle is a tad steep too but for a life bird like this I'd take anything. nice that we can see elements from the habitat as well. sharp with good details


09-23-2019, 09:34 AM
Wish it had glanced up, but very nice look at this guy....
I like the size in the frame.

Jim Crosswell
09-23-2019, 11:50 AM
Beautiful image Dorian! I like the IQ, details, mossy perch, pose and composition. Ground birds in the rain forest are tough to get and this is real nice.

gail bisson
09-23-2019, 12:51 PM
This is superb.
I really like the "shooting down" angle.
IQ on the PITTA rocks. BG shows just enough environment without overwhelming the bird.
No nits from me.

Geoffrey Montagu
09-23-2019, 03:41 PM
You did well to capture this image given your description. Lovely rich color and detail under what looks to be pretty decent light. I like the head position and angle of view.


http://500px.com/geoffreymontagu (http://500px.com/geoffreymontagu)

John Mack
09-23-2019, 04:15 PM
Sounds like tough shooting conditions all around. Nice view of the bird and i like the moss. You did very well in this situation.

Daniel Cadieux
09-23-2019, 06:30 PM
Wow, very nice! I actually like the HA here, as well as the angle looking down towards the subject. Nice and sharp. That one bright twig directly beneath the claw does draw my eye - I know you are not too keen on removing stuff, but there is one to consider:S3:. These guys' tails are shorter than wrens' it seems!!

Krishna Prasad kotti
09-27-2019, 10:02 PM
Interesting image. Never seen/heard the image. Nice to hear the back story.

HA noted, but I like the image quality in the feathers. Bird looks so cute for me.

Thanks for posting the same.