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View Full Version : Walking with the kid

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
09-08-2019, 10:35 PM
A very young baby elephant tries to keep pace with the parent at Masai Mara.
100-400 II
ISO 1600

Jonathan Ashton
09-09-2019, 04:38 AM
Both look well detailed and DOF looks good. I cannot help but feel the image looks a little flat in terms of tone. I am guessing thee was a good reason for the tight crop, was it not practicable to have a little more at the top?

John Mack
09-11-2019, 07:23 PM
Nice view of both these elephants. Like how the little ones got the trunk up. Really like the texture on them. Light looks pretty nice as well.

Steve Kaluski
09-13-2019, 04:28 AM
Hi Sanjeev, would like to have seen more of an 'animals cape' here with the 16-35, plus a much tighter crop on the calf with the 500. Agree with Jon, a bit tight and the overall colour is a bit mid, it needs some contrast in the colour.
