View Full Version : Common Loon With 2 eggs

Grady Weed
07-01-2008, 03:59 PM
Canon EOS-1D Mark II N, Shooting Date/Time 7/1/2008 16:36:18, Shutter Speed 1/800Sec. Av(Aperture Value) F8.0, Evaluative metering, Exposure Compensation -2/3, ISO 400, Lens: EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM, Focal Length: 130.0 mm.Hand held from Kayak about 15 feet away. Yes, once in a while I take my 30 2.8 off of the MK2n! I was beginning to think it was glued on.

First things first here. I want everyone to know this loon was not bothered in the least by my presence. This behavior is normal loon activity. It is checking the eggs and repositioning itself and checking over the eggs. It also moved some of the nest material around dislodged by entering and exiting the nest as each parent takes it turn sitting on the 2 eggs you see here.

I am quite sure the eggs are near to hatching, in the next 5-6 days. I will monitoring the nest with binoculars during this most critical time so as not to disturb the nest, mom or the hatch lings. Of course I want to photograph them with mom.

I chose to use my 100-400 instead of the 300 2.8 so as to have more leeway in composition and less cropping in PS. This will make a 6x8 print as is. It is 80% of frame. Is this image and the last post of interest to you artistically or just in a habitat and behavior perspective? Would you try to obtain this type of image?

I would like your feedback please. If you view this image, what do you liike, not like? Anything for feedback is better than nothing left. Please do not be shy. Speak right up.

Axel Hildebrandt
07-01-2008, 05:42 PM
Definitely great to see the eggs, I had no idea that they are relatively large. I think it needs some more work. The whites on the chest look a bit hot and there is not much detail in the blacks. I'm sure this can be fixed in your RAW file using curves and/or highlight recovery.

Good luck with your plan, can't wait to see images of the chicks. :)

Fabs Forns
07-01-2008, 06:06 PM
I can see he could care less about you :)
I also see the blown whites, but they look more like post-processing than in camera.

It'll be great to see the chicks!

Cheryl Ertelt
07-01-2008, 06:13 PM
Very nice behaviour shot. If you are trying to document as much loon behaviour as you can, you definitely want shots like this as well as turning the eggs if you are fortunate enough to see it. She is definitely not stressed by your presence. You are in for a photo treat once the chicks hatch. Do not be surprised if one chick hatches and the next does not hatch until the next day. the adult may take the first chick onto the water then bring it back into the nest until after the second chick is born. Within a day after the second chick is hatched they will be on the water full time. Have fun!!!

Judy Lynn Malloch
07-01-2008, 06:35 PM
Love this Grady and would deraly love to experience these opportunities first hand one day. Many thanks for sharing these images with us. Great environmental image.

Arthur Morris
07-02-2008, 08:07 PM
Yes the behavior is documented and we do see the eggs but this is simply not a good photograph (you asked us to be honest!). With the setting and the harsh light you were dead before you pushed the shutter button. Best to use lots of flash in these situations in an attempt to reduce the shadows and the contrast...

What's wrong:

1-harsh light and black shadows.
2-two plus large oof leaves in front of the loon's lower back.
3-two oof purple plants in the llc.
4-the stump in front of the nest, esp. the white thing...
5-eye barely visible
6-the eggs are in filtered light.

C'mon gang, let;s make a better effort to call them as we see them.

Lastly, making this image on a cloudy day would make it 80% better before you pushed the shutter button.