View Full Version : Theme Opportunistic Gulls

Krishna Prasad kotti
08-07-2019, 07:03 AM
I made this image in Nickerson Beach, NY

Camera Settings:-
Nikon D500 300 f/4 + 1.4 x TCIII
1/5000 sec; f/5.6; ISO 1250
Manual; Matrix metering

Post Processing:-
Raw Processing using C1P
Cropping from top right
Nik 25-25 Filter on Bird at reduced opacity
Tonal Adjustments in Viveza
Neat Image NR
Sharpening for Presentation
Burn and Dodge selectively

I wished for softer light and better wing position in left two gulls

Let me know your thoughts and comments.


William Dickson
08-07-2019, 02:47 PM
Something different for sure...I love the position of the gulls as they all look towards the Tern. Nice comp.


John Mack
08-07-2019, 05:51 PM
I like this one. It tells a story nicely. The gulls balance the tern out quite well.