View Full Version : Theme Clam Gull

Moe Richard
07-19-2019, 01:34 PM
This is an oldie taken in 2005 with a D2X.
I believe it is a Glaucaus Winged Gull as these are most common in my area.
I removed the aqua cast in the second image. It was not apparent until I posted it on the site.

Iso-400, 500 mm F4, F8, 2000th, tripod, D2X, 90% full frame, reprocessed for the first time since 2005 with new tools.

kevin Hice
07-19-2019, 02:01 PM
Nice image Moe. I don't know that I would have noticed the cast if you hadn't mentioned it. Some noise in the background,what I really like or stands out is capture of the oyster. Some eye work lighten up the iris and the image would even pop more. TFS

Dorian Anderson
07-19-2019, 04:29 PM
Shell is nice, and the color cast is a non-issue. The problems arise with low IQ and background noise. The bird is also really cramped in the current crop, so I'd give hime room to room to breathe.

John Mack
07-19-2019, 08:43 PM
Fits the theme perfectly. Background is great. Agree with some more room around the bird.

07-19-2019, 08:46 PM
I like the clam gull and nice repost without the cast. Clam should get extra credit for being such a great looking clam!

Paul Burdett
07-20-2019, 01:49 AM
Shell is nice, and the color cast is a non-issue. The problems arise with low IQ and background noise.

Dorain: Could you elaborate on the low IQ? it looks good to me. Cheers.

Moe Richard
07-20-2019, 01:48 PM
Here is a repost. What I forgot to mention in first post was use of 1.4 extender which could affect IQ. Second image has removed aqua cast and additional noise reduction on BG.