View Full Version : Red-browed Finch

Paul Burdett
06-28-2019, 01:58 AM
This Finch kindly posed for me. I would have liked a better perch and HA.
7Dii, 100-400@400mm, 1/1000th sec, f6.3, iso400, hand-held. Cheers.

Randy Stout
06-28-2019, 08:13 AM

Handsome bird, I really like the way he ha slipped his feet through the gaps in the wire to hold on.

To my eye, the image reads too bright. The light was obviously pretty harsh, but I think you could tone it down a bit (especially the bg)

Barbed wire is always a dilemma. Yes, it is where many birds perch, but especially when is new and bright like this strand, perhaps not the most complimentary perch.



John Mack
06-28-2019, 08:10 PM
Very neat looking bird here. I don't mind the barbed wire perch. Light is what it is. More of a head turn towards you would have gotten more light on the birds head and front.

Paul Burdett
06-28-2019, 10:02 PM
Thanks Randy & John.
Randy: It was actually brighter than this and so I did tone it down before posting, but I do agree that it could be toned down even more. Cheers