View Full Version : Dancing on water

Florin Sandu
06-20-2019, 03:15 AM
This my first photo on this amazing forum.
The image was taken at Danube Delta (Romania). I love the wings position. I hope you like it too.:)
On your opinions this comp work?
Nikon D500. Nikon 200-500mm @500mm
1/2500, f5.6, iso-180

David Roach
06-20-2019, 06:05 AM
Fantastic low intimate angle, perfect EXP for whites and blacks, love the pose with just slight wing tip blur and water droplets put it over the top. Some may want more in front but I love vertical composition as is with this pose. Welcome aboard and I do like it... no love it too... TFS

Bill Dix
06-20-2019, 08:41 AM
Welcome! A fine first post. Perfect wing position, great POV, exposure, sun angle. Love the colors, too. I would be very happy to have this one in my files. Maybe just a tiny bit tight in the frame, and maybe the tiniest bit of additional sharpening? But just fine as you have posted it.

Mike Poole
06-20-2019, 09:41 AM
Hi Florin, welcome, and a great first post.

I love (as just about always) the low POV and the wing position is perfect. Great detail in the whites.

I'd prefer just a little more space around the bird, then maybe just add little more sharpening to the face and consider cloning out the lower 2 of the catchlights in the eye. Very minor points, but worth it in my opinion. You'll get lots of small points picked up on here at BPN, but if you listen to them you can't help but improve!

Hope to see more


Florin Sandu
06-20-2019, 10:02 AM
Thank you very much for all messages and pertinent criticism. I will definitely keep in mind and I'll put it into practice. I'm here to learn and improve my photo skills.:)

Arthur Morris
06-20-2019, 10:08 AM
Hi Florin, Welcome to BPN. Wow, what a great first (or any) post. I love pelicans and the pose and everything else is great. For me the bird is too big in the frame. For my re-post I first leveled the image just a bit and then expanded canvas all around. Though I prefer and went with 2X3 here I'd be fine with a more boxy crop with some off the top. IAC, great image.

with love, artie

ps: I would have liked more room, below the bird but there is too much crud in the water. See my blog post here (http://www.birdsasart-blog.com/2019/06/20/my-two-favorite-backgrounds-and-in-search-of-soft-out-of-focus-blue-water/) to learn how to deal with that (in some situations).

Florin Sandu
06-20-2019, 10:15 AM
Hi Florin, Welcome to BPN. Wow, what a great first (or any) post. I love pelicans and the pose and everything else is great. For me the bird is too big in the frame. For my re-post I first leveled the image just a bit and then expanded canvas all around. Though I prefer and went with 2X3 here I'd be fine with a more boxy crop with some off the top. IAC, great image.

with love, artie

ps: I would have liked more room, below the bird but there is too much crud in the water. See my blog post here (http://www.birdsasart-blog.com/2019/06/20/my-two-favorite-backgrounds-and-in-search-of-soft-out-of-focus-blue-water/) to learn how to deal with that (in some situations).

Thank you Artie!!!
Look great...:)

Daniel Cadieux
06-20-2019, 11:27 AM
Welcome to BPN Florin. Those fully raised wings look great. Good low angle, and the whites look perfect. The comp in Artie's repost now gives the subject good room to breath. Is your version full-frame top to bottom (only cropped on the sides?). If yes, then with your zoom I would suggest zooming out wider when action is anticipated to avoid clipped parts or cramped compositions.

gail bisson
06-20-2019, 12:17 PM
Welcome Florin!
A great first post.
I love the crisp clean color palette.
Great wing position and Artie's repost addresses the tight crop. Whites look really good,

Florin Sandu
06-20-2019, 12:21 PM
Daniel, the original has room all around. I will repost with all your suggestions. Thanks!

Florin Sandu
06-20-2019, 12:43 PM
Here is the repost. I'm sorry but at the bottom, no room.:(

John Mack
06-20-2019, 05:28 PM
Very nice. Now those are some raised wings. Everything is looking great.