View Full Version : Fly past

Colin Driscoll
06-12-2019, 08:40 PM
Mostly Galahs (grey/pink) along with a few Corellas (white). They were gathering for their nighttime roosting which is a very noisy affair, I don't think they get much sleep! This is just a fraction of the flock that wheeled around high and low. The rush of wind as they flew past was spectacular.
1DXII 400mm F/2.8L II & 1.4XIII 560mm 1/1000 f14 iso800 HH
Pretty much full frame with any part birds around the edges removed.

06-13-2019, 10:01 AM
Wow Colin, any flock of birds is awesome and this is fantastic to see this many and actually hear the noise and feel the rush of the wind. Years ago before all the passenger pigeons were slaughtered and driven to extinction, stories include the sky blackening and the sound of a rumbling train for hours... I appreciate any size flock and the single on es as well! I like the few corellas and the pinks showing on the galahs. TFS

Daniel Cadieux
06-13-2019, 07:28 PM
Good for most of them having banked towards you, but bummer that they flew a bit passed you at this point. Still pretty neat to study the individual birds. I can feel the rush you felt!