View Full Version : Theme: fluffed up black oyster catcher

Bob Smith
05-31-2019, 05:47 PM
Usually these noisy fellows are scooting or rocketing around , as sleek as bullets. I'd been watching this one through the lens for quite a while when suddenly he gave me this nice pop of feathers and a saucy look. FerryTerminal, Tswassen, B.C. Canon 7DII,EF 100-400 f4.5-5.6 IS0 800, f/5.6, 1/1000, HH181654<script type="text/javascript" src="safari-extension://com.ebay.safari.myebaymanager-QYHMMGCMJR/28df3e92/background/helpers/prefilterHelper.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="safari-extension://com.ebay.safari.myebaymanager-QYHMMGCMJR/579529cb/background/helpers/prefilterHelper.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="safari-extension://com.ebay.safari.myebaymanager-QYHMMGCMJR/28df3e92/background/helpers/prefilterHelper.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="safari-extension://com.ebay.safari.myebaymanager-QYHMMGCMJR/579529cb/background/helpers/prefilterHelper.js"></script><object type="application/x-KPMPlugin" id="kpm_plugin"></object>
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Randy Stout
05-31-2019, 07:19 PM
Nice frame Bob. Subject is well captured, good exposure, head angle, one footed pose and the fluffy feathers.

The rocks are great, the detail, esp. the one straight ahead of him, keeps the eye moving around the frame.



05-31-2019, 11:19 PM
I like the angle and the pose and nice processing at iso4000 although some feathers (especially the head)
look a tad smoothed out...

Arthur Morris
06-01-2019, 01:20 PM
Ditto all the positives above. It would have been improved if you could have gotten about six inches lower -- that would likely have eliminated the o-o-f rock that merges with the top of its head.

Note to Dan: I think that you are referring to some wet feathers ...

with love, artie

Steve Kaluski
06-01-2019, 04:12 PM
Hi Bob, is this an old processed image, or with some updates to your workflow? I'm just wondering from our correspondence if either Masking and or Luminance might be running a bit higher than they need too, hence perhaps Dan's question? I might try running a Graduate Filter on the FG adding say a minus a third of stop of exposure, but on the laptop so I could be off?Hope things are becoming clear in your PP. BTW its ISO 800 not 4000. TFSSteve

John Mack
06-02-2019, 09:44 AM
Like the fluffed up look of this oyster catcher. Nice composition overall. I know sometimes it's not possible to get lower.

Bob Smith
06-02-2019, 01:55 PM
Thanks to all who commented. I'm going to be up on Cloud 9 all day with THIRD in the May Theme. The adjustment Arthur recommends is just the subtle little bit of advice that makes this site so valuable. And another subtle prescription from Steve that when I 1st tried it I thought "So what helpful difference does that make? The FG becomes obviously brighter but so what. " Then I toggled to and fro with it and suddenly the light comes on and I see the improvement---so once again Steve, "Thank you". The image has no Masking or Luminance adjustment ( ie. Sharpness or NR ), just a tad of Texture and of Clarity.<script type="text/javascript" src="safari-extension://com.ebay.safari.myebaymanager-QYHMMGCMJR/579529cb/background/helpers/prefilterHelper.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="safari-extension://com.ebay.safari.myebaymanager-QYHMMGCMJR/579529cb/background/helpers/prefilterHelper.js"></script>

Steve Kaluski
06-02-2019, 03:10 PM
Thanks Bob, that eliminates things regarding my observation.

The image has no Masking or Luminance adjustment ( ie. Sharpness or NR ), just a tad of Texture and of Clarity.

Bob, are you saying no sharpening has been applied on this image? These two adjustments, Texture & Clarity work on the basis of Contrast sharpening, to a degree and in their nature to my knowledge, which has nothing to do with the actual process of sharpening. Therefore and in their nature, ALL digital files require sharpening to varying degrees and subject to the raw file. :S3:

Arthur Morris
06-03-2019, 10:25 AM
Thanks Bob, When folks come on IPTs they often say, "I want to know the single big secret to becoming a successful nature photographer." My reply is always the same: THe one BIG secret to improving your nature photography is to pay attention to the SMALL details :)

with love, artie