View Full Version : Lesser Scaup - The Female's Turn In The Spotlight.

Daniel Cadieux
05-17-2019, 04:18 AM
She was the companion to the male I posted a few days ago, they were always following each other around. All the other scaups in the pond seemed to be "single" and going about their own business solo. To photograph her, I waited until she was ahead of the male as otherwise there was an ugly white line in the water from the male's wake leaving a trail behind and across the frame, most often across the reflection, thus spoiling the water and image.

Canon 7DII + 500mm f/4 II + 1.4TC III, manual exposure, evaluative metering, 1/2000s., f/5.6, ISO 1600, natural light, handheld, just about FF (after a small rotation).

kevin Hice
05-17-2019, 09:20 AM
Details look good. Nice to see a female and I love the green in the background.Compliments the duck well. TFS

Gerald Kelberg
05-17-2019, 09:33 AM
Hi Dan,
The low POV is excellent - giving that lovely background to highlight the little lady. And the bow wave is nice, giving her some action.
Thanks for sharing, Gerald

John Mack
05-17-2019, 05:21 PM
Spot on as always. Nice low angle of this female. Like the greenish background and the overall composition.

David Roach
05-18-2019, 12:49 PM
All has been said except "I really hate you". But seriously, superb image and I have no nits. TFS

Dorian Anderson
05-18-2019, 09:35 PM
Lovely mellow and muted mood, and the wider crop to include lots of the smooth water is great. I could see a touch more NR to the water, particular in the lower part of the frame. Details on the bird are lovely.