View Full Version : Snow Geese Chaos at Bosque

Krishna Prasad kotti
02-12-2019, 12:38 PM
I made this image at Bosque Del Apache NM, 25 Dec 2018

I do wish for a higher Shutter Speed, but I am still learning and experimenting with Blurs and hence I will take this image any time.

I like the way how some snow geese are sharp in the middle of Frame. This was one shot which I liked most in a sequence of 8 shots or so.

Nikon D500, 500 f/4
ISO 280, 1/6 sec, f/32, +0 EV
Shutter Priority, Auto ISO

Post Processing:-
Raw using C1P
Noise Reduction
Minimal Crop
Dodging the Blacks a little
2 Step Sharpening

Let me know your thoughts and comments.

John Mack
02-12-2019, 05:06 PM
Another nice blur. You can make out the geese in the middle of the frame very nicely.

Arthur Morris
02-13-2019, 08:47 AM
Not my favorite at all. The image has a YELLOW color cast. Good on you for experimenting with really slow shutter speeds. The lower the shutter speed the lower the success rate but the greater the chance of making something really different ...

with love, artie

Isaac Grant
02-13-2019, 11:03 AM
I think it looks pretty cool. Certainly not the everyday goose shot. Colors seem typical of a Capture One conversion to me. Must be a way to fine tune that...

Krishna Prasad kotti
02-13-2019, 12:17 PM
Hi All,

Thanks for the comments.

I tried to reduce the Yellow Cast using White Neutralizer Nik Filter and Hue Saturation Layers.

Let me know if this looks better.


Isaac Grant
02-13-2019, 11:25 PM
colors look nicer to me. Maybe a touch too bland but better for sure.

Ivan Sjogren
02-15-2019, 04:19 AM
I think it works! The BG is quite uniform which makes the geese stand out. There are some birds in the middle which has a perfect blurriness. I wish you had some bird as sharp as those on the top. The colors in the repost looks better but could be boosted a bit.