View Full Version : Lens Test subject

Oscar Zangroniz
06-28-2008, 08:47 PM
Taking this morning at the old parrot jungle and although this was a macro class, I decided to try out a lens.

Nikon D300
Tamron 200-500mm w/1.4 tc
Focal length: 750mm
Shutter speed: 1/3200 sec
Aperture: 8
Exposure mode: Av
Exposure compensation: -1
Flash: Off
Metering mode: Multi-segment
ISO: 400

Would greatly appreciate comments regarding the clarity and sharpness of the lens, as I can still return this lens for a full refund. Will post some more during the next couple of days to get feedback.

Thank you

William Malacarne
06-28-2008, 08:53 PM

To judge a lens you need to have at least a 100 % crop IMHO. Also with a 1.4 converter you will have 700mm.


WIlliam Maroldo
06-28-2008, 09:06 PM
A fair test would be without the tele-convertor. Honestly, tele-convertors are only good with fast lenses, and I'm afraid the Tamron's f5.6-f6.3 is a little slow. Although I am happy with my Tamron, it creates the sharpest images with good lighting, and the 1+ stop hit with the teleconvertor might be too much. Tele-convertors of any kind will degrade image quality to a certain extent. With top quality primes this is not significant, but other than that you may have problems.~onlybill

Oscar Zangroniz
06-28-2008, 09:09 PM
Thank you for your informational comments. Yes I made a mistake in typing 750 instead of 700. Please remember this is the eager to learn thread and I'm not aware of what IMHO stands for.
But thank you again

William Malacarne
06-28-2008, 09:19 PM
what IMHO stands for.

Sorry...In My Humble Opinion


Desmond Chan
06-28-2008, 09:22 PM
As is? It's not sharp enough :D:D

Nah, you need the 100% crop to get a good evaluation.

Alfred Forns
06-29-2008, 06:58 AM
Hi Oscar Agree with the suggestions of 100% crop for evaluating Can take a area and save it a t 100%

Remember you have lots of magnification without the converter 500 + the camera crop factor is 750 Anytime you go with the converter the image will be degraded how much is just a test away. Take a target which could be a poster with writing them make images at different focal length wide open and one stop close. You will know if it works or not.

The posted image looks fine and could have come out of any prime lens. when you blow it up for printing etc will be a different story !!!

Harold Davis
06-29-2008, 08:38 AM
i think there was a lesson to be learned by all here! thanks for the info!!

OZ, tough to tell on my end. would like to see some more.

Gus Cobos
06-29-2008, 04:38 PM
Hey Oscar,
I like your duck...:p:D To me it looks fine but I would do the newspaper test that Al suggested at various focal lengths, tripod mounted of course...:D The lens feels very light to me. Do you like it?