View Full Version : Winter Wood Duck

12-15-2018, 09:23 PM
Taken a couple days ago. Like all ducks these residents still
look better in the winter months.
The wild winter ducks have just arrived in the local ponds.

1/1000. f6.3, iso1600, 600mm

DSC_5223bp.jpg (http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=179067&stc=1&d=1544926973)

12-16-2018, 03:26 AM
Nice image Dan, I like the low angle, dark BG i.e. the clam water and the chest details. this one is a bit challenging to compose as the bird is moving right but looking left, I'd probably leave him centered too.


Daniel Cadieux
12-16-2018, 07:03 AM
Yes, the ducks look their best during the inter up here too! I like the moody lighting. Low angle is good. Nice clean water too. I'm pointing out the posterization along the top of the frame, but I know it is not there in your files.

Ivan Sjogren
12-16-2018, 07:42 AM
Beautiful frame. I like how the right side of the image is dark and gradually becomes brighter as it matches the headangle of the bird and makes for a good composition. Nice details on the head, low angle and good exposure. Eventhough I like the composition I would not leave the duck in the center here but move it a tiny bit more to the right.

Arthur Morris
12-16-2018, 07:45 AM
Super-sharp with a perfect (difficult) EXP. I'd love to see the bird more to our right in the frame. And I would not mind seeing the complete head reflection ... Great head turn and overall spectacular.

with love, artie

Joseph Przybyla
12-16-2018, 10:21 AM
Wonderful exposure and rendering, the green of the background works so well. I like the composition as is, as Ari wrote " the duck is moving right and looking left ". Thank you for sharing, Dan.

Isaac Grant
12-16-2018, 05:54 PM
I like the mood of the shot and how the light is hitting the bird. I would get rid of some of the area below and add it to the top. Also I wish the black on the face was not completely blocked.

John Mack
12-16-2018, 07:23 PM
Very nice. Like the pose and the light on the bird. The color of the water is very nice as well.

12-16-2018, 07:30 PM
Thanks for the comments...
Isaac, if you can expose for the blacks on a Wood Duck head and still keep the whites, you have a lot better equipment than anyone I know...

Isaac Grant
12-16-2018, 09:40 PM
Speaking of equipment, you did not mention what camera you used? Dan you certainly can expose for the blacks and whites on a Wood Duck. I do not have too many shots of Wood Ducks but here is an example of an old file of a male Wood Duck with plenty of details in the blacks and the whites. This was taken with a 1dx mark ii and Canon 500 f4 ii. ISO 1600, F6.3, SS 1/2000