View Full Version : Palm on Pond Apple

David Roach
11-27-2018, 04:50 PM
EOS R EF100-400I 1.4xtcII f11 1/200 ISO 1600
Once again not the best lighting situation but at least this little guy is facing the sunrise with light on head, shoulders and back. This beauty was picking off the small spiders(?) responsible for white on leaves. Gave me this one good look with raised head and flew off to next meal. A little ratty as this beauty molts into winter plumage but my first warbler of the season with new rig.

Dorian Anderson
11-27-2018, 08:30 PM
Fun shot of this little guy! They don't sit still for long so this is a good result. Perch is cool and BG is clean. The details look nice except on the throat where they've been smoother away, probably from
some PP effect. So, I'd look into that. Also, why at f/11? trying do maximize DOF on leaves? If yes, then successful. If no, may as well open up and use the extra stop at f/8.

11-28-2018, 12:18 AM
I like the pose and the perch and also the BG. the shaded part didn't help and the head looks a bit funny to me as well... the flat grey areas have no detail as if they were blown and then recovered in post. the eye and the beak look soft a bit soft too


Jonathan Ashton
11-28-2018, 04:53 AM
I think you have a strong blue colour cast in the image, did you use a lot of luminosity noise reduction?? If so that may be responsible for the smeared effect.

Arthur Morris
11-28-2018, 11:48 AM
Agree, Not the sharpest tack in the box with the gray areas totally smooth. Why ??? Filtered light is always an image killer for me. I rarely if ever press the shutter button if there is both sun and shade on the subject. Lastly, the color of the under-tail coverts and the surrounding feathers look over-funked ...


David Roach
11-29-2018, 02:32 PM
Sorry, just realized the thank you mechanism for the forum and I am always thankful for all comments suggestions and discussions. Yes, Artie as one who has learned from your materials I did realize the lighting was way less than optimal. Dorian. I'm at f11 because I've found the old TCs are only sharp when stopped down. I did reprocess with no luminance ar chrominance adjustment in DPP and got only slightly more detail. So, I believe it is the light.

Arthur Morris
11-29-2018, 04:22 PM
Hi David, Thanks for getting back to us. One thing that is not causing the lack of detail is the light. Not sure what is, but it's not the light :)
