View Full Version : Sacred Kingfisher

Paul Burdett
11-09-2018, 07:03 PM
Hi all,
Haven't been out much recently due to silly hot weather (36C+). However, last couple of days have been cooler..mid 20's, so took advantage of a 5am start. Not that many birds at one of my favourite locations (Mt Samsonvale, Brisbane)...but managed this Sacred Kingfisher. Not the best angle I know...birds don't seem to want to meet me at eye level...lol
7Dii, 100-400 at 400mm, 1/200th sec, iso800, f5.6 hand-held. Would have liked a higher shutter speed, but it was quite overcast and I didn't want to go too high with the iso.

Tobie Schalkwyk
11-10-2018, 12:52 AM
I've never seen this particular KF before - a real beauty, Paul! A head turn just a little more to the left to accomplish eye contact would have been a bonus but they do not always offer us that! Nice one!

Paul Burdett
11-10-2018, 03:23 AM
Thanks Tobie...I really appreciate the feedback. Cheers!

David Seymour
11-10-2018, 05:03 AM
Hi Paul, that's a nice capture of a very beautiful bird. I don't mind that the bird's body is facing away as it shows off the superb colours on the wings. And the head is turned a fair way towards you, if not to the point of making direct eye contact. Compositionally this one could have had quite a problem with the tree limbs and trunk in the background, but the various elements are positioned to neatly frame the bird while still giving strong indications of a riverbank environment - so I think it works. I like the fact that virtually all of the bird is in good focus, which along with the vivid colours makes it 'pop' from the background elements. Keep up with those early starts!

Cheers, David

Arthur Morris
11-10-2018, 06:08 AM
Yes to great bird, sharp, too dark, too cluttered, and the subject orientation (to the plane of the sensor) does bother me :)

with love, artie

Paul Burdett
11-10-2018, 04:09 PM
Hi David. Thanks so much for the kind feedback...yes, it looks like early starts (or late afternoons) whilst the temps are on the way up. Envious of your Hobart temps...already thinking of trip number 5!
Artie: I hear ya! :w3