View Full Version : Less is More

Morkel Erasmus
10-25-2018, 04:50 PM
Zebra. Storm. Etosha.

Nikon D800
Nikkor 400mm f2.8G VR
f2.8 | 1/1250 SS | ISO-900

greg cowle
10-25-2018, 05:32 PM
I like the simplicity that f2.8 accentuates here.

Rachel Hollander
10-26-2018, 07:04 AM
Hi Morkel - The comp is great and I too like the simplicity. Interesting that you shot this wide open, my instinct in the field would have probably been to go to about f5.6 or so. I might get rid of the vignette if it were mine. The blacks of the zebra are a little strong. This is one I can see blown up on a large canvas.


Marc Mol
10-26-2018, 08:43 AM
Love the simplicity here, good contrasting colour range and like the soft grasses but in 2 minds about the vignette, well seen nonetheless.


Basil Dardagan
10-26-2018, 08:55 AM
Stunning simplicity that works a treat - although a big handsome male lion in place of the Zeb would improve it imo:S3:

Andreas Liedmann
10-26-2018, 10:50 AM
Hi Morkel simplicity does win here !!!
Great shot and well seen / captured . Lovely comp and a stunning tonal/color contrast setting off the subject against sky and FG.
Brilliant work ...Morkel . Only thing that is not ideal is the vignetting ....:w3

TFS Andreas

Jonathan Ashton
10-26-2018, 11:37 AM
Beautiful my only reservation is the vignette, I would make it very subtle or lose it altogether.

Steve Kaluski
10-26-2018, 12:10 PM
Clean, simple and a lovely colour palette Morkel, but loose the vignette, it's not required.


Gabriela Plesea
10-26-2018, 01:01 PM
Hello Morkel,

Love the simplicity, composition and colours. I am afraid the vignette does not work for me either, sorry!

Kind regards,

Morkel Erasmus
10-26-2018, 03:13 PM
thanks folks
vignette looks stronger here than it does when viewing in PS - strange
will reduce it a tad

John Mack
10-26-2018, 05:08 PM
My eye goes right to the zebra. Love the sky here makes the zebra standout very well. Nice one.