View Full Version : Etosha - Great White Place

Basil Dardagan
10-04-2018, 10:29 PM
When at Etosha (Which is very seldom) I always want to try and get good images with that magnificent salt pan as the back drop. This is another attempt. (I spot metered on the elephant)

Canon 1dx2
Canon 200-400mm
ISO - 1000
Spot metering

haseeb badar
10-05-2018, 03:31 AM
Hi Basil -- What a magnificent looking Elephant. I liked the settings as well. Framing wise I might have given more space in the direction it is moving and at the same time coming in from behind, to make it less central. Image appears a bit thin to me , especially the hls look strong on the ele and the FG is a bit washed out. I might try darkening the FG grass to give more emphasis on the Ele.

Nice scene . TFS !

Jonathan Ashton
10-05-2018, 04:44 AM
What an eye catching image, i really like it, I think it needs a little tonal adjustment, I would suggest taking a slight trim off the LHS, I have taken the liberty or making a suggestion for you to consider:

Steve Kaluski
10-05-2018, 08:24 AM
Hi Basil -- What a magnificent looking Elephant.

Totally agree Haseeb.

Hi Basil, a very 'arresting' image for me and I think Jon's RP has elevated just that fraction that it needed, but am viewing on the laptop. :w3

I love all the components, colour palette & framing, my only thought is RoT's and if you have it, a sliver more below and so the lower third sits on the horizon.
You are posting some great images, just don't take so long in between postings. :cheers:


John Mack
10-06-2018, 06:21 AM
Great elephant frame. Like the raised foot and the position of the elephant within the frame. Like the colors in this one.

Basil Dardagan
10-07-2018, 03:11 AM
Thank you everybody. Steve I do have more available below. I think my monitor at home (which I am on now) needs some sort of calibration because looking at the my op image on this monitor it looks spot on and Jonathons rp looks overdone(if that makes sense) However on my monitor at work my op seems seems thin and washed out as Haseeb has commented and Jonathons rp looks spot on. Could anybody point me in the right direction to sort this out - please.......thank you

Steve Kaluski
10-07-2018, 06:07 AM
Basil, you need to calibrate your monitor at least monthly, or when the calibration software tells you, laptops are perhaps every two weeks, both both do drift off slightly.

Office and home, you can't really compare, too many variables, but at home you want to keep your lighting constant, and if it's in a separate room, keep all ambient light to a minimum and have the screen NOT facing a window or direct light. Having your monitor at eye level, ie it's on a stand that you can raise, or just put some books underneath the stand to raise it up.

Calibration is key, if you want some some advice on what to get drop me a line, although I know what I suggested to Gabriela was more problematic to find in SA, but you may be better? Once you get the screen calibrated, light sorted then you should find you will have a very good degree of consistency. Having the same make of screen does help like Jon & I do, but there are still inconsistencies and there always will be a degree of drift, even having two the same side by side one can always be slightly out or how we perceive things? Also are your Colour settings right in your Raw converter & PS, if you are using PS have you the right settings under Edit > Colour settings????


Morkel Erasmus
10-07-2018, 02:30 PM
An iconic frame, Basil - one we all hope to get in nice light like this when heading to Etosha.
Critique so far has been good, I too like Jon's repost more for the increased tonal depth. Agree with Steve - you need to post (and critique) more! :)

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
10-08-2018, 01:46 PM
A lovely image from Etosha! I like the composition and the environs showcased here. Classic Etosha colours and yes the RP by Jon is better. TFS>

Rachel Hollander
10-08-2018, 08:43 PM
Hi Basil - Sorry, I was away and am late to comment but I too wanted to add that this is a great image. It screams Etosha with the color of the elephant and the pan. Jon's rp has taken this up a notch. Sounds like Steve is helping you sort the calibration issue but I agree. You need to recalibrate at least monthly. Looking forward to your next image.


Jay Shah
10-15-2018, 11:46 AM
Nice one basil. Nothing to add except you have expanded my bucket list of places to visit!

Giovanni Frescura
10-16-2018, 10:27 AM
Very nice photo as all shoot made in Etosha!