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View Full Version : Theme You Lookin' at Me?

Rachel Hollander
08-14-2018, 07:50 PM
This time we found the 10 week old cubs in much better light. Unfortunately, they weren't very playful instead choosing to nurse while mom just lay there. This was a brief pause in the feeding.

Canon 5D3
100-400 @ 400mm
ISO 1600
HH from safari vehicle, curves, color adjustments, sharpened in PSCC.

C&C welcome and appreciated. Thanks,


Andreas Liedmann
08-15-2018, 10:33 AM
Hi Rachel lovely soft light in this frame ....i really like it .
From the technical side a very good posting and the cub in the BG is great ...but the front one , well not working for me , sadly. The head turn is not that great IMHO.
Sorry Rachel ...
TFS Andreas

Gabriela Plesea
08-15-2018, 02:39 PM
Hello Rachel,

Wonderful capture of those little cubs and for me the head turn is what makes this image, I just love the eye contact:tinysmile_shy_t:

Techs look great, very nice choice of DoF. Well processed too. I know you avoid pixel bashing but I would crop a bit tighter from the LHS. I would also drop exposure or add a bit of gamma to the little cub's eyes because they look a bit washed out, it must have been that strong light.

This is one of your loveliest, sweetest images from this trip, from what I have seen so far. I just cannot take my eyes off the little cubs, would love to see more from this sighting if you have:w3

Warmest regards,

John Mack
08-15-2018, 02:44 PM
I like this. The pose on the front cub is interesting. The out of focus one compliments the in focus one. Sweet light here. Looks good to me.

keith mitchell
08-16-2018, 07:34 AM
The angle of the little ones head does it for me Rachel it is so cute.You have some very good detail and well done with the exposure in what looks like fairly strong light,thats one lovely pair of eyes to top it all off with,lovely job.


Rachel Hollander
08-16-2018, 07:41 AM
Thank you Andreas, Gabriela, John and Keith for the comments and suggestions, much appreciated as always.

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
08-16-2018, 12:03 PM
Hi Rachel, what a cutie! Love the eye contact and the light. Good details. Framing is a bit awkward and the grass on right is a bit distracting. But that cub is so cute!

haseeb badar
08-17-2018, 04:39 AM
Hi Rachel -- This is good on cuteness factor and the techs as well. The head position of the main cub is not an issue with me but the vegetation around it is making it quite distracting for me . I liked the crop suggestion by Gabriela , worth a try.

Rachel Hollander
08-17-2018, 09:09 AM
Thank you Sanjeev and Haseeb:wave:

Jay Shah
08-19-2018, 09:52 AM
Rachel, Gabriel has said it all for me and so well. Unusual head turn makes this image special and soars on cuteness chart.

Gabriel, can you please expand on "add a bit of gamma to the little cub's eyes". I have not heard this before.

Rachel Hollander
08-19-2018, 03:55 PM
Thanks Jay. Gamma is one of the adjustments that you can make in an exposure layer in PS.