View Full Version : Wild Dog

Steve Kaluski
07-31-2018, 07:56 AM
First night on route back to camp after flying in, we decided to see if there was anything happening at the Wild Dog site, as they had shown signs we gathered, of moving location. As light started to drop, one adult was visible by the entrance and one pup emerged for a minute or so running around and jumping onto the adult, he/she wanted to play, but the reaction from the adult was more of NO.

Shot from under the vehicle at ISO16k.

Thanks to those who posted or viewed on the last posting.


Subject: African Wild dog (Lycaon pictus) with pup outside den
Location: SA
Camera: Canon 1DX MKII
Lens: 500f/4 MKII with 1.4MKIII HH
Exposure: 1/1000s at f/5.6 ISO16,000
Original format: Landscape, almost FF
Processed via: LRCC Classic & PSCC2018

Jonathan Ashton
07-31-2018, 08:20 AM
Just look at the size of those premolars and molars! I particularly like the colours and details in the dark grey verging toward black, there is remarkably little noise too - I am guessing NR was Lightroom only(?) if so I think that's a little bit of magic:w3. The DOF is just about optimal, I can't think of a thing to suggest to improve. The only consideration I can think of is the tongue - could perhaps be a very little more colourful.

Steve Kaluski
07-31-2018, 08:40 AM
Cheers Jon, nice to get back onto the WWW after so many days of enforced 'computer says no' think you were lucky to avoid the storm we had here, although not a problem in the big metropolis as we have two backups in terms of networks.

I am guessing NR was Lightroom only(?) if so I think that's a little bit of magic

Perhaps, or just a bit of the 'Black arts' :bg3:

I can think of is the tongue - could perhaps be a very little more colourful.l

Perhaps some strips???? :bg3: Seriously if all the other colours are good then I think no need on the tongue.

Probably someone may feel its too 'central, but I'm OK as it stands.

Talk soon.


Gabriela Plesea
07-31-2018, 02:47 PM
Dear Steve,

This is so special, love the interaction between this lady WD and pup! I say "lady WD" because I am not sure she is the mom - did she have a collar?

Great POV. I think I can see the den entrance near the bush, LHS of the frame. Image looks good for ISO 16000, nice colours too. Great pose from this female trying to calm down this playful and mischievous little one. Would love to see the face of this small teddy bear...so I really hope you have more from this encounter!

Cannot think of anything I would change here, I would be more than happy to have this in my folders - lovely work Steve, thank you so much for sharing:w3

Warmest regards,

Steve Kaluski
07-31-2018, 03:03 PM
Hi Gabriela, no it was just one of the adults, but yes you are spot on, Alpha male & female were collared, likewise another male , as this pack was under a research programme.

Yes, 16k and posted purely to bolster folk to think they can get a reasonable capture and not to think 'old school', or worry about PP, with up to date software it's easy. Nice to have access outside of the vehicle on both trips at times, gives flexibility.

Yes, when I get back I will start to process some more, but as you know, because of the storm & internet issue I have had time to find and shoot some other stuff, but more for fun, back out early again tomorrow.

BTW those Cheetahs we saw, the older one was suffering from some hereditary issues, so it's a longer time in the boma if he can pull through, but touch and go, need to find out what's happening.

All the best.

Rachel Hollander
07-31-2018, 03:29 PM
Hi Steve - It would seem that was a very definite "no"and perhaps a "leave me alone" too. Nice low pov and the colors look right. I'm glad they were able to get another pack after distemper wiped out the last one.


John Mack
07-31-2018, 04:30 PM
Nice you caught them at eye level. ISO 16,000 well done. Love the view of those teeth. Details look very good throughout.

haseeb badar
08-02-2018, 09:06 AM
Hi Steve -- Ah , i was waiting for you to post a WD image, special creatures they are. Loved the interaction here and you have done exceedingly well with details even though the iso is cranked up to that extent. I really liked this image and your PP skills are at its best here. TFS !

Steve Kaluski
08-02-2018, 10:39 AM
Thanks Haseeb, as I said in the intro, I'm just asking folk to trust their camera (providing it's new) and have the faith to push things, they are design to get the capture and if it's set up correctly, exposed well, then PP is a breeze with the software out there. If you stay with 'old school' thoughts, you will never advance and the images will be soft - 'feel the force' as someone once said. :bg3: