View Full Version : Azure-crowned Hummingbird from Honduras last week

Dorian Anderson
06-13-2018, 12:25 AM
Just returned from a whirlwind 7-day promotional birding tour of Honduras. I'll be writing about my experiences for my blog and the
Nature Travel Network, but if anyone is interested in Honduras please feel free to drop me a note. The tourism folks had us moving
pretty fast; there wasn't much time to shoot, but I did squeeze out a few shots between mostly fantastic bouts of birding, this one

Canon 400mm f/4 IS D II on EOS 7D2
1/320 at f/5.6, ISO 800, handheld
Process in LR CC with usual sliders

I'm home for 5 days then off to Colombia for 7 weeks to help the Audubon Society scout birding locations and develop birding itineraries
in the Southwestern and Eastern Andes. Should be amazing. I've been to Colombia twice before and it seems to get better each time.


06-13-2018, 02:01 AM
sweet shot Dorion looks like you are having fun there

Isaac Grant
06-13-2018, 09:53 AM
Very nice details and head angle.Bird stands out really well against that background. I would tone down the highlights at the edge of the stick and add a couple of points of black to the bird.

06-13-2018, 12:45 PM
Safe travels, sounds wonderful. Love this image only wish of course the perch wasn't so "boring" Terrific HA and detail, lovely BG, go get them birds Dorian!

Dorian Anderson
06-13-2018, 03:41 PM
Safe travels, sounds wonderful. Love this image only wish of course the perch wasn't so "boring" Terrific HA and detail, lovely BG, go get them birds Dorian!

Yeah, woulda been nice to have something mossy! This was at a tiny array in someone's backyard just off a main highway. The house was just a collection of wooden boards without indoor plumbing, but
family that has figured out they can make a few bucks by charging $2/visitor to see their hummingbirds. Our press tour stayed about an hour. The $5 tip I left them seemed to make their day. Kinda keeps
everything in perspective........

Walker Noe
06-13-2018, 06:35 PM
This is awesome! Great detail and light, for my hummingbirds I prefer to have more room on top than bottom, but maybe that's just me.

Daniel Cadieux
06-14-2018, 06:26 AM
Pointing your lens up a bit more (or cropping to make it seem that way) would have helped the comp IMO. Having said this, what a terrific bird with fantastic colours and details. Thank you also for the additional information provided in regards to the locals. Have a great trip!

Bill Dix
06-14-2018, 11:16 AM
Beautiful hummer that I've never seen before. Love the colors and details. Good critique above.

Krishna Prasad kotti
06-14-2018, 05:16 PM
​Beautiful Image. I won't change anything except reducing the highlights on the perch.

Amazing colors.

Thanks for sharing

Glenn Pure
06-14-2018, 09:58 PM
Nothing I'd change here Dorian. This is pretty close to perfect in my books and a stunning bird as a bonus. Simply gorgeous.