View Full Version : Spotted hyaena and black backed jackal

Jonathan Ashton
05-22-2018, 03:34 AM
Taken from the car, Canon 5D III Canon 100-400 L IS II @ 220mm, ISO 2500, 1/1600 sec f8
We had a few minutes amusement here, there were two hyaenas semi interested in gnawing this rib, but there was also a black backed jackal who was intent on sealing it. At this point the message should be clear to the jackal, but it wasn't, he did manage to steal it but he got beaten up and the hyaenas regained it.

Steve Kaluski
05-22-2018, 08:34 AM
Ever the optimistic, but both work in similar ways albeit the Hyena will take on WD or Lions, and harass them.

Obviously Jon you were far more restricted in where you could go compared to those in a Safari vehicle and I'm still amazed that folk in a Safari vehicle will never move position. Techs look OK, but the WB is off creating this magenta cast an easy fix, but I would also tweak some of the Exposure sliders too, albeit refinements. The grass over the jackals face is a bit unfortunate, any other frames with the face clear? I don't mind the angle, although the 500 further back would have offered a better angle I feel and compressed the BKG more. Unless you had mentioned it, I doubt folk would have seen the rib and wondered what the situation was.


Jonathan Ashton
05-22-2018, 09:41 AM
I just can't believe I posted that image, the cast is so obvious, I thought I had the room lighting sorted out, but I have just noticed the blind was open. I mentioned the rib for the reason you mentioned. Hyaenas and jackals were moving around so it is unlikely I would have had an ideal lens at the ideal moment. (kicking myself now!)

Steve Kaluski
05-22-2018, 09:51 AM
I just can't believe I posted that image, the cast is so obvious

No worries Jon, had to race back home so glad it wasn't 'warp speed' that affected the old eyes and I was right in my thinking. You certainly got a lot of species for your Rand :bg3:.

Rachel Hollander
05-23-2018, 06:33 AM
Hi Jon - Great to see the two species in one image. Steve has covered the critique well. Yes, the cast is obvious. Do you post immediately after pp the image? If so, it might be worth it for you to let the image sit and then look at it with fresh eyes a day or two later.


keith mitchell
05-23-2018, 07:42 AM
Jon not so sure I would have noticed the cast but really obvious when pointed out by Steve and his repost as certainly lifted it a lot,do like the poses of these two,also well done getting the two species to gether.


Jonathan Ashton
05-23-2018, 10:39 AM
Thanks Rachel & Keith. Rachel that is good advice that I try to follow, for some reason I didn't that particular day. I think I know what the problem was, I had left the blind open in the study and the daylight light was not switched on and the PC had not been running very long either so all in all I got what I deserved!

Marc Mol
05-23-2018, 03:34 PM
An interesting behavioural image Jon, with the look on the Hyena's face saying it all, well captured, obvious nits mentioned above, although I would back off the warming WB just a tad on Steve's RP.


Alex Becker
05-23-2018, 07:37 PM
Really nice interaction Jon, and Steves RP helped with the WB. The blade of grass is a bit unfortunate, but doesn't take away much IMO since you can still feel the tension in the frame. The jackal is really cool looking. TFS

Jonathan Ashton
05-24-2018, 03:33 AM
Thanks Alec and Marc, I have several other images taken around the time depicting other behavioural actions, I'll try to ensure I check them before posting!!