View Full Version : Pileated Woodpecker

Geoffrey Montagu
05-06-2018, 05:54 PM
This has been a nemesis bird for me for 7 long years. The plan for this afternoon was to go to a local preserve and look for some migrating warblers. As I pulled into my driveway earlier, the power steering gives out. Next option was my back yard and on a large Star Maple trunk was the long awaited moment with this PIWO. He was kind enough to wait while I got my gear. C&C welcome.

D500, Sigma 150-600mm C @ 480mm, 1/1250s, F 6.0, HH, ISO 3200.


http://500px.com/geoffreymontagu (http://500px.com/geoffreymontagu)

Dorian Anderson
05-06-2018, 10:17 PM
Very nice. This is also one of my most wanted species. Seen many but never photographed. Decent result given the high ISO, but I'd love to see the darks opened up so that we can see more detail on his lower back and flank. There
is some BG posterization on my monitor.

Daniel Cadieux
05-07-2018, 05:52 AM
An impressive species, I love seeing and photographing them. A nice treat for you, especially it being a nemesis bird for you. I imagine you already opened up the blacks as I can see colour noise there. A better head angle, and having the subject a bit lower in the frame (or more room above) would be nice to have, still congrats on this one for your books!

gail bisson
05-07-2018, 01:08 PM
Congrats on getting this guy.
I have to echo Daniel's comments.