View Full Version : Hyaena cub

Jonathan Ashton
04-10-2018, 09:20 AM
Bean bag from car window, Canon 5D III Canon 100-400 L IS II ISO 3200 1/1000 sec f8
ACR + PSCC I didn't apply NR. Vertical crop from pano.
Image taken in Kruger Park in the region of Satara.

Steve Kaluski
04-10-2018, 11:23 AM
Hi Jon, lovely portrait of this subject, they look so innocent at this age, but when they reach maturity that's a different kettle of fish.

Good call on the change of format, but it can work both ways, however cropping portrait think of all that lovely data gone to waste. Great detail and I love the leaf over the face. Personally I think there is too much space above, techs look good, but I think the IQ is really stemming from the lens.

Visually the colour looks off, too much blue clouding the original colour (which is surprising Jon :S3:), but just taking a neutral spot it just extracts all that additional colour. I'm on the laptop so I have to go by the numbers, but a lot more clarity comes through IMHO.


Jonathan Ashton
04-10-2018, 11:39 AM
Steve not making excuses but my PC seems to be up the creek, just had windows 10 reinstalled, I keep getting blue screen error messages, I have no idea to what if any extent this is affecting colours. i will have another look. Firstly I have to just play with PC for an hour to see if it behaves itself.

Jonathan Ashton
04-10-2018, 11:47 AM
Does this look better, I have just repeated process from raw using same area for grey point ? still got a cast?

Steve Kaluski
04-10-2018, 11:52 AM
Steve not making excuses but my PC seems to be up the creek

Sorry to hear that Jon, but sadly I'm Mac based and have been since the being of the 90's and a PC would never be on my radar. Yes, the RP is from a visual POV looks better.

Andreas Liedmann
04-10-2018, 12:03 PM
Hi Jon lovely portrait of this sweet beast .....
Like the framing and the overall look . Bummer about the leaves covering the face partially , but bet unavoidable in the heat of the moment.
Color issue covered by Steve and done by yourself with your RP . I do prefer your framing with your RP.
Nice fine detail rendered ....Blacks looking great !!!
Nice one !!!
TFS Andreas

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
04-10-2018, 12:04 PM
Hi Jon, a nice shot with the eye clear of the foliage. The Detail & sharpness is good. The RP of Steve and you has addressed the colour issue. TFS.

Jonathan Ashton
04-10-2018, 12:09 PM
Hi Jon lovely portrait of this sweet beast .....
Like the framing and the overall look . Bummer about the leaves covering the face partially , but bet unavoidable in the heat of the moment.
Color issue covered by Steve and done by yourself with your RP . I do prefer your framing with your RP.
Nice fine detail rendered ....Blacks looking great !!!
Nice one !!!
TFS Andreas

Andreas (Nice fine detail rendered ....Blacks looking great !!!) you have no idea how long I have been waiting for you to say that!

keith mitchell
04-10-2018, 01:54 PM
Jon I could see Steves point on the op but the repost looks fine to my eyes,very nice detail and that bit of foliage on the face gives it a nice natural image look,lovely portrait.


Steve Kaluski
04-10-2018, 02:06 PM
that bit of foliage on the face gives it a nice natural image look

Exactly what I thought Keith.

keith mitchell
04-10-2018, 02:10 PM
Steve trying to improve my critique skills or lack of them.:S3:

Rachel Hollander
04-10-2018, 03:36 PM
Hi Jon - RP looks spot on. The comp works well. I'm not so enamored of the leaf on the face but at least it doesn't interfere with the eye. I am a Windows user and my understanding is if you've had a hard crash like that, it's best to recalibrate the monitor after reinstalling the OS (makes sure that no Microsoft default settings come into play with monitor). Hope you get everything sorted.


Gabriela Plesea
04-11-2018, 01:08 PM
Hello Jon,

Wonderful capture of this little Spotty and the RP is "spot-on". Almost identical with Steve's in terms of colour, albeit a tad darker.

Good framing and lovely detail as well as sharpness, pose is superb. I do not mind those little leaves, IMO they add some extra depth to the image.

Super detail on the nose and in those lovely eyes of the pup ( yes, blacks look great !)

Oh-he-is-so-innocent-and-cute...But not for long, LOL. Did you know spotted hyena pups are pitch black when they are born and already have teeth? :bg3:

Warmest regards,

Stuart Philpott
04-11-2018, 02:05 PM
Hey Jon ,what a lovely image,I agree on the blues but it's in hand. Like the repost buddy

Jon fella feels pensive hesitent,I love that,when i look at an image and I can feel the animal. Whether I have read this correctly who knows,but it's that emotion response,to an image,and especially a subject which hasn't got the best reputation. Jon the leaves split me and my darling,she said shame I mused they add depth,I've read the comments,Gabrieala felt the same,it's interesting hearing the different responses to a few leaves. The eye is fabulous coupled with those raised ears.

