View Full Version : Roseate Spoonbill in Flight

Jay Ing
03-28-2018, 09:57 PM
Went to Canaveral National Seashore for a day and a half this week. Ended up staying in one spot both days mostly shooting Spoonbills (a species I'd not photographed before... don't think even seen really). Got a few others including the baldie, but these guys (and gals) were a blast to watch and shoot. Will be posting several in the coming days. Lots of throw aways but a few I quite happy with. This was one of my favorites. Love the drippy drippy from the tippy :)... C&C welcome and thanks for looking.

Details: D850 with Sigma 500+1.4, 1/3200, 5.6, ISO 640, Manual, HH, C1P raw, PS CCC 2018 adjustments/NR/SS.

Glenn Conlan
03-29-2018, 06:25 PM
Great capture Jay, wish I could add this to my portfolio. Great detail and colors with a few droplets coming off the bill

Glenn Pure
03-30-2018, 12:31 AM
Gee I wish we had these gorgeous spoonbills in Australia. Lovely work on this Jay. Great angle to the camera, wing position, light and background. The detail is really beautiful, especially that rear wing. A very fine shot.

Daniel Cadieux
03-30-2018, 07:50 AM
Nice light, colours, good sharpness. I do wish the neck and bill did not line up with the edge of the wing though. I too love the little drops at the tip of the bill! These guys are addictive to photograph, looking forward to more form your sessions.

Stu Bowie
03-30-2018, 10:59 AM
Hi Jay, excellent light, and your Spoonbills are more colourful than ours, as ours are plain white. Good feather detail, sharp, and I do like the colour of the BG. Well captured.