View Full Version : Saw Whet Owl

Paul Kammen
03-14-2018, 10:28 PM
Looking for any feedback on this little guy. Shot with a 7DII, 17-55mm lens, 1/200, ISO 640, f 2.8


Arthur Morris
03-15-2018, 09:29 AM
For starters, why so small???

with love, artie

Paul Kammen
03-15-2018, 10:51 AM
For starters, why so small???

with love, artie

Hi Artie,

Was a bit confused on how big the file could be. Will try again and actually upon further review the eye was too soft on my original post; hopefully this works better.

Arthur Morris
03-15-2018, 11:00 AM
Thanks Paul, It certainly is much bigger. So thanks. A great find. May I assume that this was hand held? I do not think that f/2.8 worked well here as the feathers on the forehead look to be sharp while the feathers of the facial disc are quite soft ...

with love, artie

Paul Kammen
03-15-2018, 11:01 AM
Hi Artie,

Thanks, I agree - it perhaps was a little too close and it was handheld, so probably should have stopped down a bit.

Arthur Morris
03-15-2018, 11:04 AM
For sure. Would it have been possible to get a 70-200 on the bird or was it blocked to a longer focal length lens?

with love, artie

Paul Kammen
03-15-2018, 11:06 AM
For sure. Would it have been possible to get a 70-200 on the bird or was it blocked to a longer focal length lens?

with love, artie

It would have been a bit difficult, the little guy was in a spot where you really needed a shorter lens to manuver between branches.

Unrelated, do you have an article or thread on best settings for birds in flight? I shoot a 7DII, and believe you had a manual or ebook. Do you prefer manual? I find myself often going evaluative meetering plus 1, and using shutter priority mode.