View Full Version : Little Corella landing

Gerhard Weldhagen
02-28-2018, 06:35 AM
Little Corellas are currently descending in their hundreds on my local wetlands for feeding and drinking. They are very destructive little creatures, leaving a thick carpet of leaves and twigs wherever they roost in tall eucalypt trees. Getting a clean shot of a single bird with a pleasing background can be challenging when so many are around at the same time. This one was coming in for a drink and had mostly side lighting on it as there was no time to adjust for sun angle, the background is muddy water and distant vegetation.

Canon 1Dx II, EF 600 f4 II + 1.4TC III, 1/3200 sec, f/8, ISO 2500, manual mode, lens supported on Atlas bipod from prone position. Processed with PS CC 2018.
Comments and critique welcome.

Isaac Grant
02-28-2018, 11:05 AM
I love it when you guys from Australia post here. So refreshing to see a whole new set of birds. I love the spread wings here. Details look really good and the nice soft tones of the yellow of the underwing and tail really stand out here. The side light did add more shadows then is ideal but this is still really nice. Only thing I would say is that the shadowed areas have a blue cast to them. I have never seen this species but I don't think they have any blue on the underwings or tail so reducing the blues in those areas should fix that easily.

Arthur Morris
02-28-2018, 02:37 PM
Great incoming pose and sharp on the eyes (and the feet!) but bad luck with the sun angle ...

with love, artie

02-28-2018, 02:50 PM
love the dynamic pose but the side light worked against you, it looks it has had too much NR, I would back off and also reduce the sharpening a tad, there are sharpening halos near the talons and shoulder.


Daniel Cadieux
02-28-2018, 06:09 PM
How awesome is that pose! I like the exposure and colours as well. Light angle mentioned, and I too had that thought that some areas looked too aggressively NR'd. Like Isaac I love seeing your native birds - keep them coming!

Gerhard Weldhagen
03-01-2018, 10:52 PM
Thanks a lot for the advice guys! It was a late night processing job.......