View Full Version : Morning Rush Hour

Tim Foltz
02-26-2018, 03:37 AM
Canon 1DX • 700 mm • 1/2500 • f/6.3 • ISO 400 • handheld • manual

This was one of my wish list events i've always wanted to see and photograph. This shot was from a couple of years ago.
The calling sounds of the Western Grebes (and also Clarks) is almost deafening and the rushing noise can be heard from hundreds of yards away.

The light angle wasn't the best but I'll take it, the action only lasted a couple of hours and they all pretty much stopped at once as if on cue.

Thanks for looking.


Stu Bowie
02-26-2018, 01:36 PM
Hi Tim, I like the similar poses, both well exposed and sharp. Those red eyes really pop, and the flying water adds to the action.

gail bisson
02-26-2018, 03:03 PM
A shot that I want soooo badly for my portfolio!
Very nice with good DOF and sharpness.
The red eyes look great and that is what draws my eye in so I am OK with the light ,

John Mack
02-26-2018, 05:57 PM
I love these shots. This one is very well done. Sounds like a good time.

David Salem
02-26-2018, 10:49 PM
Great capture of the rushing action Tim. Love the poses and the water splashing everywhere.
Those red eyes always add to the image and the details look great too. Well done