View Full Version : Black-winged Stilt

Paul Burdett
02-15-2018, 04:12 AM
Hi all,
This Stilt was taken recently at Kedron Brook in Brisbane. Canon 7D Mk2, EF100-400ii. Feedback appreciated as always. Cheers.

Isaac Grant
02-15-2018, 04:06 PM
Getting any shorebird in flight is always hard so well done. I love this species and have seen them many times. Next time work on getting them in flight at eye level. Looking forward to more. Have any shots of Inland Dotteral or Plainswanderer in flight :bugeyed:

Paul Burdett
02-15-2018, 04:19 PM
Hi Isaac. Thanks so much for the feedback. Will aim for "eye level" shots. No Dotteral/Plainswanderer yet...my next mission! Do have a Baillon's Crake non flight shot though.

Arthur Morris
02-15-2018, 06:58 PM
Sharp with nice near-underwing detail. As Isaac said, too steep an angle to the bird. I am not a fan of the boxy crop here. More room all around would hep a bit.

Note to Isaac: I do not think that you have seen this species ....

with love, artie

Isaac Grant
02-15-2018, 07:54 PM
Artie, I have birded Asia quite a few times and also been to Australia :S3:

Paul I'd be super impressed if you manage an Emu in flight shot :Whoa!:

Arthur Morris
02-15-2018, 08:09 PM
Isaac. You got me!

with love, artie

Paul Burdett
02-16-2018, 12:25 AM
Hi Artie,
Thank you for the feedback. I will take your advice in future shots...very nice to get feedback from you as I've been following your blog for some time and value your opinions greatly.

Isaac...Emu in flight? no problem...lol

Arthur Morris
02-16-2018, 05:59 AM
Hi Artie,
Thank you for the feedback. I will take your advice in future shots...very nice to get feedback from you as I've been following your blog for some time and value your opinions greatly.

Isaac...Emu in flight? no problem...lol

Hi Paul. You are most welcome. I do hope that you become a member as I look forward to seeing more of your stuff. As you probably know, I love shorebirds.


Isaac Grant
02-16-2018, 11:54 AM
Paul I was in Deniliquin many years back and we were in someones car. We were driving really fast along side 3 Emus that were running full speed through the plains. It was almost like they were flying as each step took them so far. Driver wasn't paying attention to where we were going and was watching the Emus until the last second when he realized we were going straight towards a ditch. He slammed on the breaks and we all crashed into the seat in front of us. Have the whole thing on video.

Paul Burdett
02-16-2018, 06:51 PM
Hi Artie,
Thank you for kind words. I will become a member, as I really appreciate the constructive criticism I've received so far, and look forward to improving my photography even more. Cheers.
Isaac...would love to see that video! Hope you weren't injured in the car though? (Things we do to capture that shot!)