View Full Version : Theme Laughing Gull bathing...

Geoff Newhouse
02-06-2018, 08:25 PM
I shot this last May on my first ever visit to Florida for birds. This was shot handheld lying in the water with my elbows planted to keep the camera out of the water. Canon 1DX Mk II, Canon 400DOII + 2xTCIII at f/8 1/1000 ISO 250.

Allen Sparks
02-06-2018, 08:35 PM
Hi Geoff,
I really like the action you captured especially with all the water drops flying about. Nice exposure and sharpness too.

Tim Foltz
02-07-2018, 12:56 AM
Geoff, nice details, color and BG, the only thing I would do is remove the bottom catchlight so there's just one.


gail bisson
02-07-2018, 09:44 AM
This looks like Fort deSoto! Laughing gulls always bathe so energetically and you have captured this well.
Great low POV and nice BG.
Agree re: cloning out lower catchlight

Isaac Grant
02-07-2018, 01:04 PM
I like the action you have captured here and the water droplets really help show how much the bird was splashing around. Beautiful background as well. I don't think 1/1000 was a fast enough to freeze the gull as it was splashing around. The gull is not tack sharp. The whites on the back of the neck look hot and don't show much detail. Also many of the whites look too gray. Did you have to tone down highlights a bunch? Also looks like the sun was too high in the sky which was not helping you as it caused some strong shadows on the breast. Looks like you applied NR to the background but you included the water droplets in there as well. They look to dull and washed out. It would help to have many of them stand out more. I know it takes lots of work, but I would not include them in the background layer that you are running NR on.

William Dickson
02-07-2018, 02:39 PM
Very nice Geoff. Love the colours throughout the frame. Lovely POV. I agree with Isaac regarding the SS.


Noel Heustis
02-07-2018, 04:04 PM
Geoff - The colors are beautiful in the BG, the foreground, and the face, eye, and bill. I love shots with this low of a perspective. I'm glad Florida treated you well with rewarding shots. Thanks for sharing.

Jim Crosswell
02-07-2018, 07:54 PM
I like the low angle, BG and action you captured here Geoff. Nice image.