View Full Version : Ring-billed gull

Alex Becker
12-17-2017, 09:09 PM
Hi all,

A ring-billed gull from today at a local lake. Full frame, edits in Capture NXD, some more NR using neat image, sharpened in PS. BG is ice. As a side note, I recently got a new computer and new (used) lens, but between figuring out how my photos look on the new comp, trying to AFFT (lens was backfocusing and I don't have a tripod outside of an amazon basics one...), and dealing with heat shimmer on the past couple outings, it's been a total headache trying to figure out if everything is working as it should.

Camera: Nikon D500
Lens: 500 VR f/4
Specs: 1/2000 ISO 2000 f/4

Thanks for looking and commenting on prior posts!

John Mack
12-18-2017, 07:37 PM
Looks pretty sharp to my eye. Wish the bird was higher in the frame and not so tight on the left.

Jim Crosswell
12-19-2017, 08:14 AM
I like the sharpness, complimentary BG and composition wise I would add canvas on the left and go with a pane crop. Nice image of an overlooked bird Alex.

Stu Bowie
12-19-2017, 08:52 AM
Hi Alex, tack sharp on the head, and I like the shape of the curved wings. The colours of the BG complement the Gull nicely. Comp wise, another vote for adding some canvas to the LHS, and I would move the gull up higher in the frame.