View Full Version : Are you talking to me?

Fabs Forns
01-08-2008, 08:23 PM
You got to love interaction with birds, Snowies are very curious, it must be the cat in them :D

Sanibel fishing pier, during Artie's last IPT
He (she) was on top of the little canopy, eyeing me.

D300, 70-200/2.8 plus 1.7X
f/8, 1/640, iso 800
fill flash at -1 Ev

Comments appreciated :)

Axel Hildebrandt
01-08-2008, 08:26 PM
Great perspective, makes him look like a giant. Did I mention that the angle is pretty steep? :)

Daniel Cadieux
01-08-2008, 08:44 PM
Interesting perspective...would be scary to see this first thing waking up after passing out! Wonder how it would look like as a vertical?

Steve Foss
01-08-2008, 08:54 PM
Hah! I love it! Great piquancy here. Tack sharp, whites just right, comp is great, too.

Mike McCarthy
01-08-2008, 08:55 PM
Sorry... contrary to popular belief..I don't talk to birds. No I'm not talking to you, but if you talk to Fabs ......tell her I like the eyes and unusual perspective in her shot.

Ed Kelley
01-08-2008, 08:57 PM
Hi Fabs, I've been hanging out here for a few days now, but this is my first post here. I just had to comment on your photo.

Looking at this makes me feel like a minnow whose luck has just run out! :eek:

Maybe you could add a "ripple" filter over the whole thing to enhance that effect! ;)

Thanks for sharing it!

Maxis Gamez
01-08-2008, 09:49 PM
Hehe! Very funny image. Excellent composition.

Eric Wikander
01-08-2008, 10:44 PM
Wow super sharp shot... funny too!

Bob Kaufman
01-08-2008, 11:52 PM
Great shot and funny composition!

Lori A. Cash
01-09-2008, 08:04 AM
What a cool perspective, Fabs. Very sharp and love how the eyes draw me in.


Haim Ziv
01-09-2008, 01:29 PM
Hi Fab,
Great and very funny pose. Love it! :):)

(I found this forum through the Birds as art bulletin, and I'm very happy to be here.)

Manos Papadomanolakis
03-09-2008, 06:17 PM
I really like the eye contact and the pose!!!

Gayle Clement
03-09-2008, 06:20 PM
Awesome background and really wonderful eyes. You made me laugh!