View Full Version : Feeding Frenzy (Shearwaters)

Ilija Dukovski
09-04-2017, 11:03 AM
I tried to capture the feeding frenzy of 1000 or more shearwaters at Race Point, Cape Cod.
It is not easy to get a good shot in the chaos.

Nikon D700, 300mm+TC14, ISO500, f/5.6 1/320


Daniel Cadieux
09-04-2017, 01:53 PM
A unique event you guys encountered over there, but looks like a tough one to photograph properly as well. I like the main shearwater's pose, but of course all the others were just too busy to keep it isolated in the frame!:S3:

Glenn Pure
09-04-2017, 07:15 PM
Ilija, I always find these types of shots with so much going on very hard to do, so great you've given it a go and achieved a nice shot of the central bird. Like your last shot posted though, I find this a bit dark overall although Daniel didn't comment on this?

Ilija Dukovski
09-04-2017, 09:41 PM
Thank you for the comments. Really difficult situation, but I tried to do my best. Glenn, I know my photos are bit darker these days. Not sure about this, it was sunset so I tried to catch the light situation in a bit darker mood.