View Full Version : Three days old and cruising with style

Randy Stout
07-18-2017, 06:20 PM
This pair was captured in early June. The chick was three days old. I was able to watch from a safe distance, when the two chicks hatched, and it was fun to watch them venture out into the bigger world! I am very respectful of their 'space', but this pair has become very accustomed to my friend and myself. Gene puts out the nesting platform each spring. He was a bit late this year, and the adults followed along with him as he pulled the platform out with his kayak.

This is not typical loon behavior, but because we spend so much time quietly floating around with them, they think we are just some big, ungainly , slow moving sea creatures, not threatening.

In the past, when Gene had spent more time with them, they would allow him to come close, but not me. Now they seem happy with either of us, but only in our kayaks, and not in my usual loon boat. At another lake I go to, the loons are used to me, and will often swim by the boat within a few feet, but Gene can't get near them, since he hasn't been to that lake much.

D500 500mm AFS f/7.1 ISO 200 1/320s

Shot from my kayak. I was really pushing things with this slow shutter speed in a kayak, but wanted to get the highest quality I could (low ISO)

Moderate crop for comp, slightly darkened both pupils.

Advice and comments appreciated,



Joseph Przybyla
07-18-2017, 06:39 PM
Lovely image, Randy. I look forward to your Loon images each year. Amazing how they recognize you and Gene. Thank you for sharing.

Mike Poole
07-18-2017, 07:05 PM
Another winner Randy, great poses for the pair. I'm not sure how much of an IQ improvement you're getting with the D500 compared to ISO 800 or the like, I'm sure you're able to get more keepers with a higher shutter speed, but if you're getting what you want then its obviously working for you, just not sure its a risk you need to be taking nowadays.


Randy Stout
07-18-2017, 07:14 PM
Thanks guys:

Mike - the dynamic range is always an issue with loons, and so I have been experimenting with different combinations of settings. I do agree that 200 isn't my usual ISO, but I have so many loon images, that I can afford to experiment a bit!



Doug Brown
07-18-2017, 09:51 PM
Very nice Randy. It definitely pays to acclimate birds to your presence; we have quail in our backyard that let us get within a couple of feet of them when we put bird seed out. I like your idea about experimenting with camera settings to maximize your dynamic range; did ISO 200 pay any dividends for you in that regard?

Adhika Lie
07-19-2017, 03:24 PM
Ah, very nice Randy! The greens look so good with this bird and I love the details in the black. I am curious about the DR saved by the ISO 200 as well!

Krishna Prasad kotti
07-19-2017, 06:16 PM
Thank you for the great, informative Post about getting used to birds..

I really like the frame and nice green colors...

Randy Stout
07-19-2017, 06:40 PM
Very nice Randy. It definitely pays to acclimate birds to your presence; we have quail in our backyard that let us get within a couple of feet of them when we put bird seed out. I like your idea about experimenting with camera settings to maximize your dynamic range; did ISO 200 pay any dividends for you in that regard?

Doug: According to William Claff, well known sensor guy, the D500 dynamic range at ISO 200 is 9.73, and at 800 is 8.15. That certainly is noticeable on a bird like a loon!
Just for comparison, the 1 DX II has a dynamic range of 10.22 at IS0 200 and 8.15 at ISO 800. So even the full frame camera def. benefits from shooting at the lower ISO, re: dynamic range.

Obviously, lots of other variables to be considered, but I am revisiting my ISO choices when I can.



Michael Thompson
07-19-2017, 07:29 PM
stunning image of the loon with the chick on its back. i love the green background and foreground. I didn't know that iso changed dynamic range, learned something new , thanks

07-20-2017, 07:18 AM
nice low angle Randy and I also love the green. I feel like both the mom and the chick could be sharper though, maybe because of slow ss.


Randy Stout
07-20-2017, 08:09 AM

I actually reduced the sharpening on this image, as I thought it was getting a bit "over sharpened". The chicks plumage doesn't tolerate a lot of sharpening in general, it starts to get a bit "crunchy" looking. Would be easy to do some selective sharpening work on the adult.



Stu Bowie
07-20-2017, 01:58 PM
Hi Randy, excellent low angle of capture, and you seem to be comfortable shooting from any boat/kayak. I like the overall light, and as always, you have nailed the exposure. Youngster on mom's back totally visible, takes this over the top.