View Full Version : Redwing in Iceland

07-16-2017, 08:08 PM
When Gail B and I arrived at our cottage there was so much bird chatter going that i thought it might be a wren of some kind; no an icelandic "robin" or Redwing. They did a mighty fine job of collecting worms and the soil on the beak is an indicator this bird as been probing for food.

Lasso, content aware the lower right a few leaves, also burned the highlights on some of the feathery buds.

1.4 tc
ISO 1000

Jay Ing
07-17-2017, 01:27 AM
Very nice. Wish the color change in BKG was not at upper bud top and bird bottom (lower would suit me well) - but the image itself, lovely. BKG tones are most suitable and the back tail raise is cute - don't know if it's common pose or not but neat...

Adhika Lie
07-17-2017, 01:42 AM
This is lovely, Ann!! Very neat pose and a very neat perch. The color works for me here although I will consider desaturate the BG a little.

Mike Poole
07-17-2017, 04:09 AM
Thats a really pretty shot Ann, just about the perfect angle on the bird, a great perch and that lovely BG, definitely well up the 'keeper' list.


Isaac Grant
07-17-2017, 08:45 AM
I really like this one. Great perch and great pose against a perfect background. Not sure if it is just my eyes and it is hard to tell but I think the lighter band in the background is higher on the right than on the left. I would try a bit of clockwise rotation. Also I would add a little more room to the top as the bird looks a little high in the frame. Might be the kind of shot to do a vertical or 8:10 type of crop. Just an idea.

gail bisson
07-17-2017, 01:06 PM
Perfect perky pose with a great HA.And the perch is to die for.
I agree with Isaac that you should rotate this clockwise.
It is a bit unfortunate that the BG color change intersects the bird at this spot but still a great BG.
I feel like you did something in PP to the flower buds that just doesn't look right. Perhaps you oversharpened them?
A very nice image!

Daniel Cadieux
07-17-2017, 01:47 PM
Very nice! I love the pose and perch. The BG is pretty cool too. I agree with a bit more room above, but not too much need.

Stu Bowie
07-17-2017, 02:37 PM
Hi Ann, lovely pose, good DOF on the bird, and I really like those pastel colours of the BG. I'm fine with the comp/crop as is.

David Salem
07-18-2017, 08:19 AM
This is beautiful Ann. It has a fantastic painterly look to it. The pose, details, colors and perch all look awesome. Very very nice

William Dickson
07-18-2017, 12:45 PM
Very nice looking frame Ann. Love that pose. Very nice detail and colours throughout the image. I like the contrast.
