View Full Version : Yep - another Puffin.

Steve Kaluski
07-01-2017, 09:38 AM
Not sure why, but I just like to photograph these guys head on, although the head is just very slightly twisted, they are just so novel and full of character. Sometimes it's hard to isolate these birds at times, so you have to take what you can.

Thanks to those who viewed or commented on the previous posting.


Subject: Puffin (Fratercula arctica)
Location: UK
Camera: Canon 1DX MKII
Lens: 200-400f/4 HH
Exposure: 1/1000s at f/11 ISO1600
Original format: Landscape, very slight crop
Processed via: LRCC & PSCC2017

John Mack
07-01-2017, 12:26 PM
Nice head on view, like the rock and background.

Rachel Hollander
07-01-2017, 01:26 PM
Hi Steve - I think the head on view emphasizes the well deserved clown nickname. Nice control of the exposure and the comp works well.


Joseph Przybyla
07-01-2017, 04:21 PM
The image works well because the light is even on both sides of the head. Overcast? Certainly a different view, good work isolating the bird. It appears other Puffins are out of focus in the background. Nice work on the whites and blacks, perfect exposure. The only thing I wonder about is F/11... were you that close that you needed that depth of field? Thank you for sharing, Steve.

Arthur Morris
07-01-2017, 07:46 PM
Definitely a puffin. I am on my way :) Best parts for me are the clean rock and the distant BKGR.

with love, artie

Steve Kaluski
07-02-2017, 02:10 AM
The only thing I wonder about is F/11

Joe I wanted beak to eyes sharp, I think I got that.

Best parts for me are the clean rock and the distant BKGR.

Break it to me gently Artie :bg3:. I think you will find it a lot more busy Artie. The Gulls were harassing the Puffins right by their burrows for when they came back with Sandeels, so speed to get in was paramount. Plenty of Shags & Guillemots, but many of the chicks had hatched. Trust the weather holds, you get the landings and it stays overcast, as Staples can get brutal on the corner by the lighthouse and the Terns were very feisty too.

Jonathan Ashton
07-02-2017, 07:19 AM
Fine controlled DOF - pretty good Steve!

Daniel Grossi
07-03-2017, 05:21 AM
Great shot Steve! I would never consider f/11 in any wildlife photography I do. Now that I see what you did here however, I'm going to get out of my comfort zone and use some higher apertures when the opportunity is there. The sharpness you maintained from his beak all the way to the edge of where his head meets the oof area is fantastic.