View Full Version : Egret Bath Time

Jay Ing
06-15-2017, 12:32 AM
Still enjoying the egrets near my home. Now shooting with the Sigma 500/4... wow - what a different in detail from Tamron 150-600 G2. The Tamron is a nice lens and quite versatile, the the IQ on this lens is so much better.

Details: D500 with Sigma 500/4, 1/3200, f10, 700mm on a crop (i.e., used with 1.4 TC), ISO 1600, on tripod with Jobu Gimbal - minimal op'ing.

gail bisson
06-15-2017, 03:06 PM
Very unusual image! I like it.
I like the little bit of greenery in RUC that is highlighted by a ray of sun.
The image requires a bit of work to figure out where the head is coming from but it is well worth the effort.
The best part of the image are the vertical trailing feathers and the great spray of water droplets.
Very nice POV.
I wish the nictitating membrane was not present but this is "real life" and it would probably look a bit unnatural if the bird did not have his eye protected during the vigorous splashing.
Still, I would be tempted to clone a "fresh" eye in if you have the photoshop skills but certainly not a big issue,

William Dickson
06-16-2017, 07:51 AM
Hi Jay, I also like this. The bird stands out nicely against the dark BG. I like the position of the feathers and the water trails.


Marina Scarr
06-16-2017, 12:32 PM
This is one heck of an image, Jay. While not an unusual behavior for these birds, you've done a great job capturing the bathing behavior. It's a unique and fresh image. I like the pattern of the water droplets. I am good with the eye as is since it's natural. I'm not really seeing the membrane. I think I'm seeing a splash of water across the front of the eye, although the membrane may also be there. Thanks for sharing this unique gem.

Alex Becker
06-16-2017, 01:04 PM
Nice one Jay, love the water getting flung around. Don't mind the eye as is but I can see the argument for swapping it out. I like the touches of purple flowers in the BG. TFS and congrats on the new lens

Mike Singh
06-16-2017, 01:35 PM
Very nice photo! I had a play with the Sigma 2 months it is a heavy beast!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Jay Ing
06-17-2017, 01:20 PM
I took the advice given on eye edits and - personally I like it much better minus the membrane... mostly because the head is in an unexpected position and initially hard to locate - the eye being clearer guides the eye to this marker. Anyhow, thought to post the "new" version. Thanks for kind comments - I like this one very much myself also. Maybe my best check to date.

gail bisson
06-18-2017, 05:36 AM
The repost is excellent. It also looks like you brightened up the purple flowers in the BG. Or maybe I just noticed them and they are so pretty.Congrats on a lovely frame!

Mike Singh
06-19-2017, 05:26 AM
Awesome capture and processing!