View Full Version : Kij Kij Memories. An Unforgettable Sighting

Gabriela Plesea
06-11-2017, 03:14 PM
At the risk of boring you with another image of the lion I posted earlier, I am sharing a frame from the very same sighting. Taken just minutes before this handsome fellow got within two meters of my vehicle window and started roaring in my face:)

I remember looking over my shoulder and wondering who was the subject of his attention. Saw no other lion and at first I thought I just happened to be in his way. But as soon as I met his gaze I became unsure of his intentions. And so I wondered, with a little anxiety, what was I to do there in that situation? Maybe it was the roar or just the way he was staring into my eyes, but a kind of uneasy feeling made me move ever so slightly away from the window...

As soon as I returned from this trip I bought a 70-200. It does come in handy from time to time...

Nikon D4
Nikon 300mm F4
ISO 1600

PS I flipped this one also, Steve:w3

Lance van de Vyver
06-12-2017, 02:39 AM
I like this one more! The space around the big guy gives you more of a sense of place, makes his roar bigger somehow in my head! Lovely golden glow on his head draws your eye to all the right places.

haseeb badar
06-12-2017, 04:58 AM
Hi Gabriela -- This is another lovely frame from the series. Liked this one even better in terms of the position of the Lion and open eyes. The colours in the frame apart from the Lion appears almost like a BW BKG, wonder how dry is this place ?


Rachel Hollander
06-12-2017, 08:23 AM
Hi Gabriela - Another nice frame of this powerful male. I like the walking pose, the tones and the roaring posture. I do think it needs a fair amount of ccw rotation. I realize that you straightened for the lion but the trees in the bg are leaning to the right too much. Here's a version where I straightened along the sloping ridge so that the trees are straight. Also watch the masking along the back of the lion.


Gabriela Plesea
06-12-2017, 09:56 AM
Thank you Lance, Haseeb and Rachel,

Hasseb, interesting question:) Depending on the time of the year and amount of rain, this place can look either like a true desert (it is if fact a semi-desert) or as green as a golf course. This image was taken in October 2014. When I was there earlier this year it was so covered with vegetation one could not see the red dunes anymore.

Rachel, I know it looks strange, but there is a steep incline at the back where the dunes begin. I did consider a tad of rotation but decided against it as the FG does did not look right anymore. I guess one could work out a compromise between my OP and your RP for aesthetics' sake but I'll leave it as is for now unless you find it too bothersome. Will look for other images taken at the same spot and drop you an email to show you what the place looks like. Regarding back of lion, I'll have a good look. I was careful with masking so it might be just a couple of bright rocks, easy fix:5

I really appreciate your time to view, as well as comments and RP's, will be back with more images soon:)

Warmest regards,

Jonathan Ashton
06-12-2017, 02:01 PM
What presence he commands, I bet he was pretty darned loud! I like the image very much, not sure why you flipped it? I like the image either way in any case!

keith mitchell
06-12-2017, 02:10 PM
Another really powerful image Gabriela must have been a real thrill with this magnificent beast coming towards you,think Rachel may have a point re rotation,think what you say about the op and the repost is about right.Not into a a lot of gore but do think the bit of blood just adds to the image,finish by saying this one looks in excellent condition and as not been short of food.I,m liking all of these.


Gabriela Plesea
06-12-2017, 02:42 PM
Dear Jon and Keith,

Did I mention this male lion has been around for some time and is one of my favourite KTP characters?

I flipped this just before posting as I felt it would have more impact with the lion entering this space from the RHS. I have images of his female roaring too if you like, she was in a shady spot though.
Thank you so much for viewing and comments, you guys are awesome, much appreciated:cheers:

Warmest regards,

John Mack
06-13-2017, 07:51 PM
Cool story about this encounter. I like the composition, the raised foot and open mouth.

Gabriela Plesea
06-14-2017, 10:48 AM
Thank you John, very kind of you to view and comment - much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Mike Poole
06-14-2017, 11:43 AM
Oh yes, this one is right up my street. Great loose crop, a good paw up walking pose, interesting expression, well processed, with nice muted colours and the face getting that little extra light. Definite winner.


Andreas Liedmann
06-14-2017, 12:11 PM
Hi Gabriela .....gorgeous memories for me being tangled with my sandal straps around the clutch or break pedal of my car :t3:bg3:.....
Almost missed that sequence ....
It looks good to me as presented ...just a bit more mid tone as previous comment from my side .
I tried to process ....i came up with slightly overall warmer frame, compared to yours , well a matter of taste .
Definitely no need for rotation ....i have been there , Rachel :wave:

Good to see older stuff , Gabriela

TFS Andreas

Gabriela Plesea
06-14-2017, 12:41 PM
Thank you dear Mike and dear Boetie (with your grey socks and sandal straps, all mysteriously tangled and wrapped around the break pedal during this very special sighting:bg3:)

I will look at the midtones Andreas. And you are welcome to email me your version sometimes if you like, I will send you my RP early next week.
Really appreciate your time to view as well as feedback, hope you both have a lovely evening:wave:

Kind regards,

Steve Kaluski
06-14-2017, 01:22 PM
Hi Gabriela, love the 'bellowing' aspect and the space around the subject. The RP in terms of straightening the BKG is right, but sadly i don't really like the 'compressed' trees though recropping. Retaining the trees in the OP, but addressing the slope I think will work. Agree with Andreas about some more midtown, or even adding a tad more in areas of the 3/4 tone as you already know. The subtle shadow is a cool touch.

Nice work.


PS I had an early start yesterday around 5.00am, back 9.00pm so I will reply, sorry just a full on day yesterday with my good friend Jamie from BC.

Gabriela Plesea
06-14-2017, 02:25 PM
Thank you so much dear Steve,

Will definitely look at the midtones and improve, will RP early next week:) I do understand the way you feel about the BG and need for straightening. I agree, it does look unnatural...unless you have been there. This is the reason why I did not process and share this image in the first place, I expected a few complaints:tinysmile_shy_t: It looks awkward, I know. The slanted line marks the edge of the river bed and beginning of the dunes. A very steep slope. I was waiting for Andreas to view this frame and confirm, since he has been there. Which he did:) Will look for other images to prove my point, just give me some time to look through older folders, please?

PS No rush with that email, reply when you have time. Unless you see Wol, in which case I demand proof:t3

Warmest regards,

Steve Kaluski
06-14-2017, 02:31 PM
I do understand the way you feel about the BG and need for straightening. I agree, it does look unnatural...unless you have been there.

Gabriela, we have all been there, you should see some of my eye's in a rush crossing some water in Bots, why they were shot like that God knows, especially with the internal 'spirt level' in the MK2, I put it down to very early morning without a coffee!!!! :S3:

I've have now replied, plus an update on Wol :w3.