View Full Version : Theme My Foe Slaying Lioness

Gabriela Plesea
05-03-2017, 12:21 PM
This is one powerful and fearless lioness I have encountered on a number of occasions during my Kalahari trips. On this particular morning I drove out early to a nearby waterhole, hoping to meet up with a clan of spotted hyenas I had seen the day before. I barely got there and was busy pouring myself a cup of coffee when the hyenas started arriving one by one. After quenching their thirst they all jumped into the water, the youngsters played around while the older mamas kept vigil to ensure no other predators spoiled their fun.

Minutes later I was surprised to see them scatter in all directions. As I looked around I noticed a lioness with two small cubs walking down the road. I did not think she would leave the cubs to go after nine hyenas so I wondered why the spotties panicked to such an extent. Then I looked around again and saw another lioness...She was only meters away and I recognised her instantly. There's something about her eyes that has stayed with me since the very first time I saw and photographed her, a merciless and unforgiving stare of sorts.

To cut my story short, my girl did not waste time, she lunged forward to chase the hyenas down a slope with amazing speed and determination. Eventually she caught up with one adult female who collapsed like a rag after a brief scuffle. Unfortunately the action happened at some distance and the protagonists of the scene I described were turned away from me. I did keep a few images for the record but none worth processing. Things happened fast and I was unable to decide where to aim: the hyenas running, the lioness with cubs or my wild eyed lioness...I have shared in the past a few images from this sighting, here is another. I sincerely hope this old girl makes an impression on you as she did on me.

Nikon D4
Nikon 500 F4
ISO 5000

Hope you all have a wonderful evening. And thank you so much for viewing and comments on my previous images, I appreciate it.

Kind regards,

Marc Mol
05-04-2017, 01:59 AM
Love the soft muted colours here Gabriela and glad you stayed with the full 2-3 ratio where others may have gone for a 4-5 portrait crop, just says more for me.


haseeb badar
05-04-2017, 03:28 AM
Hi Gabriela -- I too loved the soft muted colours and the intent gaze of her's ! Landscape format works for me as it presents the settings and the lioness stands beautifully amongst it . Techs look good as well. I wish some of that light was hitting her eye as well but that is something not under your control . A very pleasing image .


Rachel Hollander
05-04-2017, 06:30 AM
Hi Gabriela - I also like the muted colors and the nice, warm side lighting. The comp works very well. Have we seen images of the hyenas playing in the water?:S3:


Gabriela Plesea
05-04-2017, 11:09 AM
Thank you so much dear Marc, Haseeb and Rachel:)

Rachel, I have shared in the past some images of those hyenas walking around, but not inside the waterhole. The waterhole was very unsightly and man-made elements all over the place, also there's a nice green water tank right behind it:Whoa!: I will check this folder again to see if I find something worthwhile processing... Since it is predators month:)

Wishing you all a lovely evening,

keith mitchell
05-04-2017, 01:21 PM
Gabriela i am totally with the others the lovely soft muted colours really make this for me,beautiful job.


Jonathan Ashton
05-07-2017, 02:29 AM
I think this is a very pleasing image, love the pose and the in habitat sense of portrayal, lovey lighting too.

Gabriela Plesea
05-07-2017, 03:04 AM
Thank you so much Jon:)

Have a lovely Sunday,

Mike Hitchen
05-07-2017, 03:55 PM
Boy, she looks lean-and-mean! I can see what you mean about the stare. As other s have said I like the muted colours, with the flash of the early morning sun on her shoulder. The framing is excellent.

I always though hyenas were a formidable match for bit cats, but maybe lions are step too far.

Gabriela Plesea
05-09-2017, 11:04 AM
Indeed Mike!

I must say, older lionesses have the edge:) This particular one oozes experience and confidence, a no-nonsense kind of girl.

Pity about the "chase" scenes I captured, all characters are turned away from the camera. I might put something together for the Story Sequences Forum, let me think about it...Would love to show you how the hyenas were running, legs in the air and looking over their shoulders.

Thank you so much for looking and comments, so glad you liked this!

Kind regards,

Mike Hitchen
05-09-2017, 12:05 PM
I'd love to see the sequence, Gabriela. I think it is easy to get so wrapped up in the qualities of individual images and forget that the story of a sequence can overcome a multitude of sins - especially when the story being told is full of drama.
What's the worst that can happen,eh? I am sure your reputation will stay intact :bg3:

Gabriela Plesea
05-09-2017, 03:17 PM
I will do my best to satisfy your request, dear Mike:bg3: I have not looked at those frames in some time, but from what I remember what bothered me were the following issues:

1. the waterhole the hyenas were using as a jacuzzi looked very man-made
2. lionesses and cubs pitched up at the scene walking in the middle of the road (tyre marks etc)
3. every character is turned away from me during the chase

It will be quite a challenge to put a story together but I am up to it, give me some time and I will let you know when ready...Will see about that reputation, LOL - I am brave, always taking risks, I will either make it or break it:w3

Really good to hear from you, you made me smile tonight:S3:

Warmest regards,