View Full Version : March Past !

haseeb badar
04-28-2017, 01:59 AM
Hello everyone !

I had been to Ranthambore and just returned from a wonderful trip from the dream land, but i would like to post an image from a previous trip to a nearby forest from my home town .

This is a subadult female known as BARAS ( 12 ) because of the stripe pattern resembling as 12. She is extremely inquisitive and approaches tourist vehicle with some caution. I liked her particular pose with her head in a raised position , she was actually reacting to the sound of the shutter .

DPP 4.5, CS6, WB, curves, levels, selective colour, saturation ( selectively ), NR on the BG , sharpening , cropped very slightly from the RHS and slightly from the bottom of the frame .

Canon 1D X MK II , Canon 500mm f4 IS II , bean bag .

1/3200 sec; f/5.6; ISO 5000


keith mitchell
04-28-2017, 02:46 AM
Haseeb it's interesting what you say about this Tiger reacting to the click of the shutter and as worked very well in this case giving that inquisitive look,do like the marching pose with the raised foot and impressed with the IQ at 5000,very nice work.


Jonathan Ashton
04-28-2017, 05:02 AM
Great pose ans I particularly like the low angle. It maybe worthwhile considering brightening the eyes a tiny bit?

Steen Torner
04-28-2017, 05:19 AM
Hi Haseeb,
Fine image of the tiger. I like the composition and low angle but would suggest reducing the foreground a bit.
Regards Steen

Steve Kaluski
04-28-2017, 07:14 AM
Hi Haseeb, this really is a 'regal' shot, love the very 'snooty' look and head held aloft. Nice amount of FG to walk into and I quite like the off set approach, although here, because of the posture, central placement might have been better, commanding the frame? Probably 1/200/2500SS just to bring the ISO down a bit, but hope you are enjoying the benefits off shooting with the 1DXMK.

Some Tonal curve just to add some pop and you might consider tweaking the colour to gain a bit more of a richer look & feel. Personally I might also have considered in 'blowing' a bit of colour in to defuse more the BKG trees.

BTW this is making me very jealous, it's such a great spot, plus I also now see I have another good friend out there last week shooting with Dicky :w3.


Alex Becker
04-28-2017, 09:56 AM
Hi Haseeb, echo everyone else that this is a very nice frame. I like the curious look, raised paw, and the composition with the tiger 'balanced' by the small twig. I agree that just a bit less on bottom could help and perhaps just a tad more NR on the background, although great IQ at that ISO. Tiger looks nice with the light hitting the fur. Thanks for sharing,

Rachel Hollander
04-28-2017, 06:20 PM
Hi Haseeb - I too like the raised head, inquisitive pose. The pov is very nice and agree with Steve that this pose would work with the tiger centered as well as offset. I would also take a sliver off the bottom and would also take a look at taming the hls on the rear leg if it were mine. Nobody else has mentioned it but I think the head can use a little more sharpening too.


haseeb badar
04-28-2017, 11:42 PM
Thank you everyone , your comments are highly appreciated . Based on your suggestions here is a RP , WDYT ?

Marc Mol
04-30-2017, 11:47 AM
Fabulous quizzical look and head on approach here Haseeb, agree on a tad less F/G and a touch more tonal contrast and would like to see this somewhere between your OP and RP for mine, this in no way takes away from one of your best images here. :cheers:


haseeb badar
05-02-2017, 03:04 AM
Thank you Marc your comment is highly appreciated !

Mike Poole
05-02-2017, 06:41 AM
As already mentioned, the heads up pose if what really makes this shot. Excellent IQ, especially with the raised ISO, the newer breed of cameras rally do assist in this department when used right. nice RP.


Gabriela Plesea
05-02-2017, 02:28 PM
Congratulations Haseeb:cheers:

One of your best ever captures of this stunning predator, superb work! This is what I call "money shot". Love the POV, colours, FG, BG, but most of all the "attitude" from your tiger, repost is excellent!

You must realise I am green with jealousy viewing this... At the same time, you made my evening :bg3:

Kind regards,

haseeb badar
05-03-2017, 12:45 AM
Thank you Gabriela for your very kind words of appreciation !

Andreas Liedmann
05-08-2017, 02:25 PM
Hi Haseeb ....well i think the pose is double priceless good !!!!!!
Stunning frame of this very beautiful tiger .
I might go for OP with a bit more pop , but not as much as your RP , just my 2 cents .

Well well , enjoyable to look at !!!!!
Big congrats from my side to you Haseeb .

TFS Andreas