View Full Version : Mandarin Duck at rest

Melissa Usrey
04-26-2017, 06:47 PM

Hi again - I've already learned so much from you so I'm posting another Mandarin duck photo I took last Saturday. I know that this time there's more room below the duck, but I suspect that I should have given the little guy more room on the tail end.
Too much noise? Background too distracting? I appreciate any feedback.

Alex Becker
04-27-2017, 10:42 AM
Hi Melissa, re: composition -- I agree that a bit more on his end would do well. I don't want to be goldielocks here but I do feel as if theres a bit too much on bottom now. The bird itself looks a bit contrasty and details aren't all there on the face / head. I do think there is too much noise about -- is this a large crop or very under exposed? What gear have you used to take this shot? BG is a bit busy especially the grasses over the bird but we can only do so much about that. Keep at it!

Stu Bowie
04-27-2017, 11:18 AM
Hi Melissa, lovely low perspective, and these guys really show off their colours. It is best to post your camera settings so we can see how tou achieved your shot. I feel the Duck is a touch under exposed and you have a lot of contrast in the image. It is best to shoot early morning, or late afternoon to have the best light. First prize is to try and get everything right in camera, and composition is the easiest to achieve with a still subject, as you can move/change your focus point which would allow to 'move' the subject in the frame and have enough space in the right places. Here is my quick 5 minute edit having more space on the LHS, and taking off both the top and bottom. I also did a very quick NR on the BG.

Melissa Usrey
04-27-2017, 11:37 AM
Stu, I keep forgetting to put the settings here: Canon 1 DX with Canon 400 f/4 DO II IS and 1/4 t.c.
1600 ISO
1/400 sec.

The duck was resting in the shade. To the right of the duck was a tree, so I shot to keep it out of the frame. I need to get back to that location and keep trying! Your version looks so much better. Thank you so much!

Melissa Usrey
04-27-2017, 11:42 AM
Thanks Alex! Equipment/settings:
Canon 1 DX with Canon 400 f/4 DO II IS and 1/4 t.c.
1600 ISO
1/400 sec.

I'm definitely going to keep at it! Being able to post here and learn my mistakes is what will make me a better photographer. I've only been at this for two years now and just want to continue to grow.