View Full Version : Leveret ,Brown hare UK. Lepus europeas

Stuart Philpott
04-25-2017, 05:15 AM
We have been led a merry dance by my new best mate,but I managed to get a few frames a couple of days back. He had just done me again by appearing right besides me but slightly behind my field of view,but bolted as I was about to press the shutter. With him seemingly long gone I walked back looking at the back of camera to see if I had finally got at least a frame,I noticed my lady gesticulating wildly and pointing at me I hand signalled back that I couldn't hear her. In doing so spooked the little guy who was prancing down the track following me at a distance of a few yards,utterly unknown to me. It's almost like the little fella is taunting me,and winning,totally taking me down and he's days old:bg3:

Anyway merriment aside a grab shot as he sped up the bank. Image taken right as the sun was dropping below the skyline,a bit before sunset in the shade of the oilseed rape which is the BKG in this image. Processed in canon's DPP4.6.10 No cropping as framed

Canon 1Div 300f2.8 ext2Xiii
iso 2500

Many thanks for the thoughts on my previous images,sorry another hare, I do like following a species for a while and trying to really get inside their heads. Although the mating seems largely over we are still seeing males guarding,so there is still a slim chance, of boxing. But lay that aside it's been incredible of late,so much learnt about the hares and a good few images to boot,plus or course the little ones are now starting to show,which hasn't helped,they are so adorable

Hope everyone has an incredible weekend

many thanks


Alex Becker
04-25-2017, 09:57 AM
Hi Stuart, your hare series has been really fun to view the past couple or so. I get what you mean about getting into a certain species and wanting to capture a range of poses and behaviors. I don't think 1/800 was enough SS but sounds like it was a spur of the moment sighting and I don't know Canon bodies and their ISO performance well. To me, it looks like the focus point landed on the bum instead of the head as the tail and hind looks sharpest to my eyes. I think the hare is angled away from you which may have contributed to that. I like the flying dirt / debris in front of him. I could see a bit off the LHS giving the hare more room to run into. Thanks for sharing -- a fun of frame of this guy. I hope you get your boxing hares.

Stuart Philpott
04-25-2017, 12:40 PM
Hi Stuart, your hare series has been really fun to view the past couple or so. I get what you mean about getting into a certain species and wanting to capture a range of poses and behaviors. I don't think 1/800 was enough SS but sounds like it was a spur of the moment sighting and I don't know Canon bodies and their ISO performance well. To me, it looks like the focus point landed on the bum instead of the head as the tail and hind looks sharpest to my eyes. I think the hare is angled away from you which may have contributed to that. I like the flying dirt / debris in front of him. I could see a bit off the LHS giving the hare more room to run into. Thanks for sharing -- a fun of frame of this guy. I hope you get your boxing hares.

Hi Alex,call me stu buddy everyone does:S3:. Alex another warmest of welcomes,thanks so much for taking some time to comment on my little ruffian,I can't wait to see some of what you do mate. I really hope you enjoy it here it's a wonderful place to learn

Alex ,you are pretty much right on all counts active FP is the center point it's on his shoulder,and yes I believe he is angled away and yes I too feel sharper towards the rear. I can only work globally Alex, in DPP,so can't target sharpen etc. i'm not completely yet settled on the max ISO I can push too,i'm comfortable at 2500 and gradually getting there with higher isos up to 6400,but as yet I'm not completely happy with the IQ I can get at the top end. I need to keep pushing on this Alex. It was a spur of the moment and I did get caught by him...again,lol. I thought I was set ready but didn't think he would emerge where is was so shaded. So yes it was a bit frantic and yes ideally my SS would have been higher,I'll get there in time mate, no excuses. I get caught regularly like this when light is starting to fade,hopefuuly with time i'll attain the skills to avoid this it's just finalising what I can do iso wise and still get near to the quality I want to achieve. But yes all good and fair points to make Alex thank you!!

Finally, maybe on the boxing maybe next year,I guess that is how it is with wildlife,but thanks for the wishes. But I can't complain, we have amassed a huge array of images and had some amazing encounters,with an animal I find utterly magical. Leveret mortality is very high they are so vunerable when small,but I really hope this little guy wins through,he's been so much fun,I'm hoping I might just get really lucky with him and catch him with mum,they nurse once a day at or close to dusk that would be something to try and capture,we have been close I feel a couple of times.

Many thanks Alex very kind, I can't wait to see what you do

take care


Andreas Liedmann
04-25-2017, 01:43 PM
Hi Stu .... great you got him running !!!!
Sadly i have to say ...this image is for the bin !!!!!!!!
Nothing you can do about in post , wrong FP and SS way too slow for getting the action . I can only suggest do not waste your time in processing a technical not that good image .
You cannot make it better with the option of selective sharpening.
The image might have worked with a SS around 1/100 sec and panning technique :w3

Color and tone does look quite good though , at least this worked for me :S3:, forgive me , this are just my honest thoughts .

TFS Andreas

Stuart Philpott
04-25-2017, 04:19 PM
Hi Stu .... great you got him running !!!!
Sadly i have to say ...this image is for the bin !!!!!!!!
Nothing you can do about in post , wrong FP and SS way too slow for getting the action . I can only suggest do not waste your time in processing a technical not that good image .
You cannot make it better with the option of selective sharpening.
The image might have worked with a SS around 1/100 sec and panning technique :w3

Color and tone does look quite good though , at least this worked for me :S3:, forgive me , this are just my honest thoughts .

TFS Andreas
Andreas, please always be honest ,I cherish that I want that,from honesty I'll learn :S3: Thanks for the tech advice,it was a bang take the shot and follow situation,but there is always something to take forwards. If he can stay alive Andreas i'll see more of him. Maybe next time i'll get him running :w3

I guess there isn't really much to debate with the critique my friend,but always be honest with me

take care


Steve Kaluski
04-26-2017, 05:02 AM
Hi Stu, I think Andreas has said it, better luck next time with more SS too. If you are panning L to R isn't there a switch you have to flick on the lens to Mode 2???


Rachel Hollander
04-26-2017, 06:22 AM
Hi Stu - I have to agree with the others. Alex nailed the critique about ss and the body angled away from you. Additionally, the bright oof grass close to the camera but going up to the feet/leg of the hair also kills it for me. Keep trying though.


Stuart Philpott
04-26-2017, 08:35 AM
Guys a bit gutted ''cause I've had such a game with this little man, thought I had him,but on a closer look you are all right. Buuuuut, as with Andreas,cherish the honesty,thanks Steve and Rache. Steve yup there is 3 mode IS and to both you wouldn't keep from from going back if you paid me not to. If at first,you don't succeed........:S3:

Many thanks both a real hard one for me ,but I know i'll pick myself up from this, As above I cherish the honesty here always have always will


keith mitchell
04-26-2017, 02:00 PM
Hi Stu,image well covered and I appreciate the frustration ,they don't give you a lot of time been there many times,keep at it.


Stuart Philpott
04-27-2017, 04:57 AM
Hi Stu,image well covered and I appreciate the frustration ,they don't give you a lot of time been there many times,keep at it.


Hey ho buddy,thanks for your reply. Keith I didn't measure up i'll take that on the chin and move on. But that little guy following me just yards away was very special,it's a wonderful memory and I did meet one or two other folks that day.Not all frames were taken in such haste:w3

take care mate


Gabriela Plesea
05-01-2017, 11:53 AM
Hello Stu,

I won't punish you further, mate:w3 Just happy to see you get out and about and try different things. This might not be a winner but you certainly are, your enthusiasm and love for nature always a joy to me, chin up please and let us see some more!

Kind regards,

Stuart Philpott
05-01-2017, 04:50 PM
Hello Stu,

I won't punish you further, mate:w3 Just happy to see you get out and about and try different things. This might not be a winner but you certainly are, your enthusiasm and love for nature always a joy to me, chin up please and let us see some more!

Kind regards,

Hey you:wave:,are you ok Gabby?

Ahh Grabriela, ya know, he's special,if I didn't care it wouldn't matter, was gutted though:S3:, But then ya go back an learn a bit more and then have another go. Gabby I'm fine went back did a bit better went back...... ahh today was bliss Gabby. Promise you will see more . It was fantastic just being him and me with no fences Gabby,getting very close he's had me almost in tears of laughter I should have pics of him belly in the air but he can hide behind such small plants,magical stuff.
Worry not bless you for your thoughts ,learning so much Gabby, all good:5

take care
