View Full Version : Green Heron Takeoff

Bill Dix
04-21-2017, 04:55 PM
From Merritt Island NWR, early one morning in February.

D500, 500f4, ISO 2000, 1/2500s @ f/8 manual.

Daniel Cadieux
04-22-2017, 08:47 AM
Nice light you had here! Neat take-off pose. The "flowing" crest seems to show a sense of windy lift-off. Just enough vegetation showing to balance out the image. I'd be tempted to remove the tall thin "spike" at the very front of the leaves as it does pull the eye down there.

stuart wanuck
04-22-2017, 04:12 PM
yes nice capture

Isaac Grant
04-22-2017, 07:58 PM
Nice lift off pose for sure in great light. Agree about that spike. I think I would also remove the branch that is cutting across both legs and a few of the surrounding ones. I did a version quickly in PS where I cloned those out and I think it looks cleaner and better.

Geoffrey Montagu
04-23-2017, 10:12 AM
Excellent launch position, Bill. Nice detail in the early morning light, including the two drops of water (lower right). BG color works nicely. I like the vegetation including the twig on the left helping with the balance IMO.


http://500px.com/geoffreymontagu (http://500px.com/geoffreymontagu)

David Salem
04-23-2017, 06:41 PM
Yes I agree, that Morning Light looks fantastic and I like the colors and details in this one. I agree about the minor cloning but otherwise this is a good-looking frame Bill